Chapter 36 - Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas

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"So we stood hand in hand like two children and there was peace in our hearts for all the dark things that surrounded us." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


"This is not how I wanted to get here." Amelia whispered to herself as she rolled passed the iconic 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign with Juice and Half-Sack behind her.

Jax promised he'd be there for settlement but he'd immediately head back to Charming to continue the search for Alice. So far, just about twenty four hours later, they nothing but a blurry still from a traffic camera and absolutely nothing else.

This trip was meant to be much less expensive but a crappy motel was no longer deemed safe enough so there they stood in the lobby of the Venetian. Amelia grimaced as she handed over her debit card.

"I fucking hate this," she hissed. The receptionist looked at her for a split second, shocked and confused, before handing Amelia the slip to sign. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your stay."

"I doubt it," Amelia grumbled as she stormed off to the elevators.

"Uhh, I don't want to be around that." Half-Sack cautiously. "It's the red hair, red headed women are the devil and she's pissed."

Pulling a face, Juice gave Half-Sack a stiff elbow. "Her kid is missing, asshole."

"Well, I know, I just-"

"You're an idiot. The fact that you're here means Jax trusts you. Don't complain."

They entered the elevator after Amelia just before the doors closed. "It's a two bedroom suite, you guys have your own beds but you're sharing a room." Part of her wanted one of them to complain so she could blow off some steam but it seemed unlikely judging by their stiff backs and stone expressions.

"You gotta let me pay for something," Juice said surprising the prospect with his level of ease around Amelia. "This suite is probably expensive as hell."

"You're fine, Juicy. When I go to work Monday I'll have the city pay it. I just had to front it."

"You can do that?" Half-Sack asked in amazement.

Smiling a little she nodded as they glided up toward their floor. "Since I technically have to move here for the job they help with moving expenses and all. I have to be here this week but can't make settlement right away so they'll put me up for a few nights."

Sack nodded, relaxing a bit, and turned toward her a little bit. "So what exactly is your job?"

"You ever see CSI?" She asked quickly and he nodded. "It's that but it's actually nothing like that. I work in the lab, the tests are tedious as hell and if I got results back that quickly the amount of work related stress I suffered from would dramatically decrease."

"Do you find semen everywhere?" There was genuine intrigue in his voice. "I swear in those shows they say jizz is, like, everywhere."

Grateful for the mini release, Amelia smiled and reached out to give him playful shove. "It's much more...present, than you'd imagine, but no it's not as common as they make it seem."

Half-Sack and Juice looked at each other, both wearing disgusted looks on their faces, while Amelia giggled behind them.


Jax sat at the table, full save for Juice, with a deep frown and blood shot eyes. There was no word on Alice, no demands or ransom, and he felt paralyzed.

"We got nothing but this?" Clay asked, embarrassed by their lack of progress, while the others nodded.

"No one recognizes him," Chibs sighed. "Mayans are quiet, no ones heard shite."

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