Chapter 46 - In The Middle Of It

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"If I could be anything I wanted; I would be the one that you love." - William Chapman

"I have a feeling the strip is gonna be running red until the Italians know who and why." Jax said in a dark tone as he looked at his table, three very important people missing. "I need you with me Chibs since you left my VP and Juice in Charming."

"Aye," he nodded. "Pay our respects."

"Make sure he knows we got his back." Jax said firmly adding quickly, "And that we had nothing to do with it."

"I called Juice," Chibs said, "Told him to keep his ear to the ground for anyone getting cocky."

"Good," Jax nodded. "When Juice gets back I want him with my girls, at least until we know why."

"Brother," Frankie Diamonds chirped in for the first time since his transfer. "Do you really think it's like that?"

"Mayan's kidnapped his baby," Happy grunted. "Think he's got a right to be careful."

"Alright, I'm just sayin' is all." Frankie said defensively as Chibs side-eyed him hard.

"I thi-" Jax was silenced by a knock at the door. "This better be good," he said as Chibs turned and opened the door.

"Hey, uhh, sorry, it's Donna, she's freaking out." Sack said anxiously. "I can't even understand her, I just know she's asking for you."

Jax's arm shot out for the phone. "Gimme." Sack pressed the phone into Jax's hand. "Donna, what is it?"

"My babies," she sobbed. "I-I tried to call Ope," she stammered as her breathing quickened in panic. "He won't answer."

"Donna!" Jax shouted, not out of cruelty but in hopes of shocking her. "Calm down. What happened to Kenny and Ellie?"

"Someone took them!" She wailed. "They were at school, I had work, when I went to pick them up someone carjacked me, and they-he-took them!"

Jax's heart stopped. "I'm coming up now, we all are. I'll find Ope, he's probably on the road."

"Jax, my kids are out there with that maniac."

"I'm going to find to your kids, Donna, I swear."


Opie was indeed on his way back to Vegas and had no idea Donna was frantically trying to call him. Juice left much that morning to hide the fact that he had given Mae her things and, just as he arrived on the lot, Jax and the others were racing to their bikes. Juice popped off his helmet and looked to Chibs for an answer.

"Ope's kids were taken," he said somberly. "And Cacuzza's boy was killed last night, we're heading back to Charming." The ride was long and Juice's body ached but without question or annoyance he clipped his helmet back on.

"Alright, let's go."

"Not you," Jax barked. "I need you to stay with my girls. This feels like more than a coincidence."

"Yeah, you got it. Nothing happens to Amelia or Alice, I swear."

"Thanks Juice," Jax said as he hugged Juice before jumping on his bike. "I'll be in touch, brother."


When Mae came too she was alone in the tub but despite the ache in her head she didn't have to think back on what happened, she remembered instantly. Scrambling, she pulled the phone out of the toilet, knowing deep down it wouldn't work, but having to try it anyway. It was dead, completely soaked and destroyed, and Mae sank back to the ceramic in tears. She was sure Opie's attack prompted Skylar's extreme break from reality but Mae couldn't blame him even if she was mad he'd gone against her wishes.

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