Chapter 13 - Big or Small, a Lie is a Lie, Even By Omission

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"You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequences of your choice." - Ezra Taft Benson

As Opie's phone rang, locked away in his saddlebag, he and Mae drove a ways out of Charming to a small bar she would sometimes stop at after work. Leaning on the trunk, she watched as he parked across the street and climbing off his bike balanced the helmet on the throttle. Mae knew, without a doubt, that this was bad but she still wore a smile as he made his way to her.

"What was that about time?" He asked with a grin. "Space or some shit?"

"Don't mock me," she stuck her tongue out at him. "I was trying to be mature and responsible."

"Try harder next time." With his hand against her lower back, Opie and Mae headed into the bar. He didn't know at the time but as he was getting his first drink, Amelia was sobbing, alone, at Saint Thomas. She would have done anything to have her brother there with her since Jax couldn't be, but when Juice arrived, Opie and Jax were far from her thoughts.

"Shit, Meels," Juice jogged down the hall when he saw her. "What happened? You scared the shit out of me."

"Alice," she cried into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "She just, stopped breathing," Amelia said in disbelief. "I don't know, I don't know anything, they're still in there."

Quietly, he petted her hair and ran his hands soothingly up and down her back to calm her before speaking again. "Where's Jax?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "Said he had club shit to do, I've called him and Ope, but they didn't answer. Thank you for being here," she sniffled. "Seems like you're the only one I can count on lately."

"You don't have to thank me." He smiled and led her to the line of chairs along the wall as she tried to control her breathing while sobbing. "There's very little I wouldn't do for you, Amelia."

She didn't take it romantically; she didn't really have a chance to think about the words at all before Tara, looking frazzled, exited Alice's room. "We managed to stabilize her," she said with relief. "But we're taking her right in, we can't wait any longer to repair the defect, she needs the surgery now."

Amelia wore a blank expression, bowled over by the news and that quick wave of relief she felt was over before she could even enjoy it.

"Now?" She stammered. "Shit, can I see her? Just for a second, before you take her?"

Tara gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded. "You have a few minutes while they prep the OR."

Stepping away from the door, Tara went up to change for surgery as Amelia headed to see Alice. Juice was a step behind but hesitated before following her in.

"I'll wait out here," he mumbled timidly.

"Please come with me." When she held out her hand Juice never hesitated, grabbing her fingers as he stepped into the room with her. "Oh God," Amelia wailed. The child was now on a ventilator, miles of cords from monitors and a chorus of new beeping forced tiny sobs from Amelia.

"They're gonna fix her up," Juice said quietly. "Tara's great right? She's gonna do everything she can for Alice. She'll be fine."

"Don't say that, just in case," she whispered to him as she moved to Alice's bedside. "Sweetie, I'm gonna see you soon. Me and Daddy will be here, I promise. You be strong, just like your Daddy, strong and brave."

Juice was deeply moved by the scene but Amelia's words actually made him angry. He understood before, Jax needing to wrap his head around what was happening so he could support Amelia but this disappearing act when his daughter could actually die, was infuriating and despicable. If anyone was being strong, it was the woman standing over her sickly daughter while Jax bailed.

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