Chapter 24 - The First Steps

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"Expectation is the root of all heartache." - William Shakespeare

*Roughly a week later*

Electric jolts of excitement shot through Jax the moment he opened his eyes to see Amelia gliding around the room packing. It wasn't his own excitement but hers, it filled him and the room and seemed impossible to ignore. He smiled to himself but did not make even the slightest sound as he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow.

"I know you're awake." She sang softly as she meticulously folded each article of clothing. "I can see you in the mirror, Jackson."

Chuckling to himself, he rolled onto his back again and smiled at her in the reflection. "Morning babe."

"Good morning," she beamed as she turned and made her way to the bed. Kneeling on the mattress beside him, Amelia began excitedly listing their plans for the long weekend Vegas trip. "We check-in, get settled and then I have to go meet with my boss. You can stay with Ally while I'm gone and depending on how pleasant she is we can grab dinner."

Leaning up on his elbows he looked at her, an eyebrow raised high in suspicion and questioned their agenda. "I thought we were looking at houses and properties for the club, that's why Opie and Chibs are coming."

"Well, not the first day. We'll do that tomorrow." She playfully swatted at him. "Now get out of bed we have a lot of driving."

"Not yet," he smirked. Grabbing the end of the baggy t-shirt she wore, Jax tugged her down on top of him. "I need breakfast."

"Jax," Amelia giggled, "We can't, come on."

They tickled and horsed around the bed until Jax pinned her down and straddled her. He kissed her, forceful and hungry while his hands wandered up and down her body caressing and fondling her. Cheesy smiles spread across their faces and Jax actually felt his own twinges of excitement start to bubble up. "Go get ready," he started to climb off her.

"What?" Amelia grabbed the chain dangling around his neck and pulled him back toward her. "You've gone too far to turn back now, Teller."

Devilishly he laughed and nodded, crashing down on top of her again, just as Alice began to wail from the nursery. "That girl," he groaned, "I swear."

"Go," she sighed pushing him off her. "I'll pack."

"We'll finish this," he hopped off the bed.

Amelia nodded and rolled her eyes. "We friggin' better."


"I thought he was gone." Unser mused while he and Clay chatted in secret. "He stirred up some interest and now we got ATF up our asses and they're looking into you."

"Jesus Christ," Clay barked roughly. "That bitch started this whole goddamn mess."

Nodding in agreement, Unser shrugged unsure of what else to say, while Clay fumed silently. "So far there's not much they have to go on, just got eyes on everyone."

"And this ex, what's his story?"

"He healed from that beatin' Jax gave him," Unser explained, "But he's not official anymore, lost his job and he'll be prosecuted, once they fly him out."

"And when is it?" Clay asked with exasperation tired of having to pull every tiny detail from Unser rather than the Chief simply giving him everything he had.

Unser seemed unsure. "A few days? I haven't heard an exact date yet."

"Find out for me, I want this asshole gone before he can stir up anymore shit."

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