Chapter 59 - Blood Ties

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Hey everyone! Just a shortie on this rainy Wednesday night. I wanted to thank you all so much for reading this super long story, for the follows, votes and comments as well. It means so much you all have no idea! Thank you, thank you, thank you and keep it coming! Xoxo


"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies." - Oliver Goldsmith

*A few weeks later*

"Hey Ma," Jax beamed as he and Opie waltzed into the kitchen without so much as a warning.

She looked at them, surprised for a few reasons, and accepted each of their kisses and hugs. "Hello boys," she watched as they sat at the table. "I'm surprised to see you two acting so amicably."

The looked at each other and shrugged. "We're working through Jax's shitty judgement." Opie grumbled with a tiny smile. "That's not why we're here though."

"And why are you here?" She asked, leaning against the stove with a cigarette hanging between her fingers

"Cause Piney wasn't giving us shit," Jax sighed. "Clay either and we know something is going on."

The Day Before

"Pop, it's more than them just screwing with our heads," Opie spoke fervently, exasperated by his father's refusal to cooperate. "What the fuck do they know about Meels?"

"There's nothing to know about your sister." He hollered. "If those Irish pricks mention her again, I'll take care of it myself."

Opie looked at Piney, unsure of who he was actually talking to, and shook his head. "Is she in danger?"

"No," he growled, "Because you and Jax are going to keep her away from those Micks. Hear me boy? You protect your sister and that baby girl."


At the mention of Piney, Gemma became concerned, but that wasn't completely unusual. She had such a soft spot for him and everyone knew it. "Ask away."

"Why are the Irish so interested in her?" Jax came out with it quickly. He had his suspicions, as did Opie, but neither wanted to admit them even to themselves for vastly different reasons. "In Amelia, I mean. Why are the Irish so into Amelia? Whenever they're here they ask about her or make some kind of comments about her or Ally."

"At first we thought it was to fuck with us," Opie shrugged.

"And now?" Gemma asked, her eyebrows raised high.

"What's the big secret, Ma?"

Gemma exhaled and stubbed her cigarette out in the sink before joining them at the table. "Your dads spent a good amount of time over there in the late 80s," she began. "They were helping build up SAMBEL and negotiating with the IRA. I don't know anything more than that about their visits but I know, the last time them went over there, they came back with a bald, fat baby girl who grew up to be the mother of my granddaughter."

Hanging his head, Opie knew deep down that was the truth of it, the comments all seemed to point directly to her not being his blood but he had a hard time understanding how he didn't know before.

"Piney knock someone up over there?" Jax asked, less concerned with who she wasn't and much more interested in who she really was. "It makes no difference but, with Alice, this could be dangerous. Couldn't it?"

Gemma sat back, crossed her legs, and looked suddenly uncomfortable and putout. "I don't know whose she is, Piney's or not. We didn't talk about it, no one did. I tried, trust me, there's secrets around all that. A lot of shit happened during those months."

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