Chapter 7 - The Believer is Happy The Doubter is Wise

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"Are you nervous?" Mae asked as she and Opie met in the parking lot of the mill. Wood chips and gravel made her steps uneasy but she moved carefully from her car to his truck and then up the path to the foreman's trailer.

Laughing, he shook his head and as he adjusted his beanie on his head, Mae gave him a disapproving look. "What?" With a smile, he watched her wobble every so often, as they walked together.

"You really think walking in there to talk to McCann wearing that is a good idea?" The very tip of her nail tapped the zipper of his cut with a tiny little clink and Opie exhaled, his shoulders falling as he realized she was right.

He took it off, a stern look on his face, and folded it up gently. "Don't mean I agree," He said full of pride. Pointing to her oversized messenger bag, he shyly asked. "Will it fit?"

"Maybe," she took out the file she needed for the meeting and handed it to Opie. Shoving the cut in, the top barely closing, she shrugged. "I just look like a hoarder now."

"You look fine," he said bashfully.

Mae looked up at him, shy and innocent, and smiled. "Well, now you do too."

The meeting had it's bumps but when they walked out just less than an hour later Opie had a part time position and the both of them were beaming. Silently, they walked back to their cars and the anxieties they both felt only grew the longer they spent time together.

"Thank you," Opie said as he grabbed his smokes from his truck. "Maybe this'll help Donna relax."

"I hope it does and I also hope you don't screw me on this." She said as she did every time they met up.

"It's good," he assured her, "I won't."

"Alright," she sighed, "Well I should go." Her voice was heavy with disappointment. "If you need anything, let me know. McCann will be in touch with me about your progress or any issues; it's just how we try to keep you accountable."

"Got it," he rolled his eyes hating the distrust no matter how understandable it was to anyone else. "We're having a party at the clubhouse; you should come by, probably drum up some business while you're there."

Mae's heart swelled but she knew it was inappropriate. "Maybe." She shrugged and pulled his cut from her bag. "Here. I'll talk to you in a few weeks."

As she slipped back in her car Opie wondered why he had invited it, the words just came out without thinking, and they confused him. Recognizing the attraction as he thought more on it Opie groaned loudly. "Ah, shit."


"I hate this." Amelia complained as she and Jax moved through the halls of Saint Thomas with little Alice in her carrier.

Jax nodded, feeling equally distraught over the surgery but keeping his fears to himself, and intertwined his fingers with hers.

"She's gonna be fine." Jax said coolly. "She's not even sick now, we just gotta fix it so it doesn't make her sick."

Able to crack a smile, Amelia nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. "You're the best," she sighed. "Thank you, Jax; I would be out of my mind if it weren't for you."

"Anything for you, darlin." Pressing his lips to her hair as they reached the office, Jax placed Alice's carrier on the floor and took a chair. "Sit, we're early."

"Figures." She groaned, bending to rock the car seat slowly. "I hate the waiting."

The door opened, a tiny creak signaling the approach of the surgeon, and Amelia looked up. "Are you serious with this shit?" She asked, amazed at what kind of luck or, in her mind, more likely some kind of dark sorcery would place Tara behind the office door.

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