Chapter 58 - Game Changers

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"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." - Voltaire

With everyone who currently resided in Vegas back home, it was time to get back into it, their regular lives and daily responsibilities wouldn't wait much longer. The weekend had been a mess for Amelia but Jax felt victorious after their day at Lodi Lake Park and Juice, well, he obsessed the entire weekend only to return to Vegas with little desire to speak to her. On the other side of the street, Opie sulked, missing Mae, while Mae, back in Charming, slowly but surely, bent to her father's will and gave into everything he requested.

Amelia wanted to give Juice time, she wanted to let him come to her, but they hadn't spoken in person in just shy of a week and it was killing her. Leaving work early one day she showed up at his place, after finding he was not at the clubhouse, and banged on the door.

Juice answered fairly quickly and looked at her with a blank stare. "Hi?" She said with annoyance. "You just gonna ignore me?"

Stepping aside, he waved his arm for her to enter and Amelia did, noticing he'd switched the place around since her last visit. "I didn't have much to say. I heard all about your day at the lake, wasn't interested after that."

"Nothing happened," she said defensively. "He kissed me, but nothing happened."

"That's something," Juice snapped. "I told you he wanted more than family time."

"Okay, so you were right about that, but I told him I'm seeing someone. That's good, that's something, right?"

Juice sneered. "Yeah I heard about that too. Why would you say that?"

"So he knew I was serious."

"He was so close to wrangling up the whole club to find this guy, Ope talked him out of it, thank god for that or else I'd be dead already."

"I knew he wouldn't look," she sighed. "I told Opie to make sure he didn't."

"Thanks for that," he scoffed. "You know this ain't just hard for you, Amelia. This fucking sucks for me and you don't make it easier." When she didn't say anything Juice shook his head. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"What?" She was dumbfounded. "Juan Carlos, come on."

He smiled sadly, tears in his eyes. "Fuck, Amelia, you're Jax." He said it harshly although he hated to. "Right now, you're Jax and I'm you and really, when you think about it, Jax is Tara. How can you not see that?"

"I'm not him," she shouted, horrified by the accusation. "I told you this was gonna suck at first. You said you just wanted me to be yours," she threw his words in his face. "I told you, Juice."

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you'd kiss him and sleep in that fucking house, under the same roof as him, that is shit we talked about." Seeing her reaction that bit of information despite knowing everything else hurt even more as if there was something he didn't know about her stay.

"I was tired," she whined.

"Okay, that explains the first night," he spoke with such attitude that the words stung. "What about the rest the week?"

"I think Ally is coming down with a cold, she's a wreck." It wasn't a lie but it was far from the only reason.

"Just stop," he snapped. "I don't care about your excuses, if you didn't want to be there, you'd find a way not to be while still caring for Alice, or you know, you'd ask him to leave."

"I'm not sleeping in bed with him," she whispered, feeling mortified and guilty. "I'm in Ally's room."

"Small miracles, I guess," he shrugged. Amelia glared at him, inferring so much from the comment, and he closed his eyes, pointing to the door. "When you finally actually decide what you're doing, you let me know, till then I can't do this anymore."

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