Chapter 63 - And The Consequences

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"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in." - Ernest Hemingway

Kylie drove at breakneck speeds back toward Charming but neither of her passengers wanted to go there, at all. Lyla requested to be taken home, immediately, where she'd end up calling Luann and Mae, she wanted to bury her head and hide away.

"What happened?" Kylie asked softly once she returned from helping Lyla into her home. "Mae, you gotta talk to me."

"I went to pick her up," she mumbled. "And they were trying to make her do shit she didn't want to do, when they saw me," she trailed off. "I'm fine, just beat up and grossed out." It was more than that but Mae kept her eyes on her filthy nails and tried to downplay it all.

"Did they like, rape you?" Kylie mouthed the last two words, as if speaking it would offend or hurt Mae more than simply reading her lips.

"You're trying to be respectful and sensitive but you're nosediving. No, they didn't, they didn't even try."

"Oh shit, well, that's good, right?"

Mae felt herself beginning to breakdown. "Kylie, shut the fuck up."

"Whoa," she watched Mae start to sob in the rearview and decided she would shut up for the time being. "Alright, sorry."


Waiting for Juice to wake on his own was growing tiresome. Jax put Alice down for her nap, stomped into the living room and gave him a hard kick, sending him to the floor with a pained groan.

"Get up," Jax huffed. "Now."

Juice groaned and struggled to sit up, wiping the drool from his cheek as he did. When the situation became clearer in his hungover, hazy mind, he realized he was in trouble.

"Everything alright, Prez?" He asked, vigorously rubbing his face as he stood.

"No, it's not," Jax said, clearly exasperated by the entire situation. "Why did you show up here at four in the morning?"

"I was uhhh...I was drunk, I don't really know what I was doing." He stammered and stumbled picking innocent enough bits of truth to add into the lie.

Jax's jaw clenched, his cheeks sucking in slightly as he tried to chose his words extremely carefully in such a delicate situation.

"Coming to my house, with my old lady and my daughter here, in the middle of the night drunk off your ass is inappropriate." Although the words were not aggressive Jax growled each syllable to empress upon Juice how serious he was; it was more than the late night visit though, he just wouldn't give that much away.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Juice hung his head shamefully, despite his dislike for Jax in a romantic sense, Juice felt awful for letting his President down.

Nodding, Jax caught the sound of Amelia creaking down the hall from their bedroom. "No shit, it won't. Whatever weird little friendship you two had, is done."


"You're still here?" Amelia asked as she walked into the room, the tension hitting her as she looked at them. "Oh, sorry, I'm interrupting."

"No, I was just leaving," Juice said quickly. "Sorry for barging in last night, Meels."

Amelia pouted and nodded, watching as he dragged himself dejectedly out of the house. "Jax, you didn't have to be mean."

"I wasn't mean," he scoffed.

She jutted out her hip and rolled her eyes. "I could see it all over his face. He looks up to you, be nice."

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