C8. Window of the Soul.

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Chapter 8

Uncle Qin poured hot water into the teapot and respectfully poured the tea into the teacups of the two people sitting before him.

"The young master said he is bringing someone home today."


The sound of a chess piece landing on the board echoed clearly.

Song Mianyin's eyes turned to Uncle Qin upon hearing this. Even though she was well over fifty, the years seemed to have left no trace on her face.

She covered her mouth, her smile even brighter than Uncle Qin's: "What a surprise, I never thought my son would bring someone home."


Another chess piece was placed down.

Qin Chaoxing drank the tea Uncle Qin handed to him, his face calm and composed. Compared to the excitement of Song Mianyin and Uncle Qin, he appeared very cool and collected.

"Who is he bringing home?" Qin Chaoxing's voice was deep and commanding.

"The kid from the Shen family?"

Uncle Qin refilled Qin Chaoxing's tea. He said, "The young master didn't say on the phone, but besides the young master from the Shen family, there probably wouldn't be anyone else."

"Nonsense." Even though Qin Chaoxing said so, his tone held no blame.

Song Mianyin laughed, reaching out to pat Qin Chaoxing, who was playing against her. She comforted him: "This is good, isn't it? You always said it was time for him to settle down and now he's bringing someone home."

"Seeing how he handles business at the company, he's quite clever and smooth, but who would have thought he'd be as clueless as a silly turnip in matters of the heart."

Qin Chaoxing tapped his temple, "I may have said that about him, but I didn't expect him to pull something like this to bring someone home."

"Signing a contract for a fake marriage, it's unbelievable he would do something like that."

Qin Chaoxing was not pleased with Qin Zhichen's behavior. Though his words were meant to taunt him, they were also filled with a father's concern.

"I bet a year from now, if that kid from the Shen family doesn't fall for him, and they have to divorce, what will he do?" Qin Chaoxing waved his hand at Song Mianyin, his eyebrows furrowed tightly. "By then, we'll go on vacation together, I'm afraid if I stay here looking at his face, he'll drive me crazy."

"Don't know where he learned such tactics, isn't he afraid of losing everything."

"Haven't we set a good example for him?"

Song Mianyin stifled a laugh with her hand. Married for almost forty years, she knew the personalities of both Qin Chaoxing and Qin Zhichen well. Both father and son were the same, not daring to speak their minds when it comes to the people they like.

They were not only introverted but also embarrassed to speak up.

Song Mianyin didn't want to criticize her husband and nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, we set a good example."

Qin Chaoxing took a sip of tea, his brows still furrowed.

Married for thirty-seven years, Qin Chaoxing and Song Mianyin had never argued, their marriage remained strong, and as time passed, their relationship only grew sweeter and stronger.

With only Qin Zhichen as their only child, taking care of him was much easier compared to other families.

Not perfect, but among most people, the three of them were considered a happy and content family.

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