C21. Triple Action.

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Chapter 21

In a hurry, Uncle Qin rushed from the house to the garage after hearing the driver's report. Qin Zhichen was lying on the car seat under a blanket, smoking.

Occasionally, red sparks burst from the cigarette butt, and white smoke wafted from his lips.

"Young Master..."

Upon hearing Uncle Qin's voice, Qin Zhichen turned his head to look at the steward who had taken care of him since he was young.

His hand trembled, wanting to extinguish the cigarette, but the heat inside him halted the action.

Clearing his throat, his voice hoarse, he said, "It's fine, please help me boil some water to calm my nerves. I'll drink it later."

Uncle Qin remained silent, and after a while, he responded with a quiet 'yes' before heading back to the house to prepare the calming tea.

It had been a long time since Qin Zhichen had smoked in front of Uncle Qin. In Uncle Qin's memory, apart from a few cigarettes he smoked during college due to busy coursework, he hadn't smoked again.

He wasn't addicted to nicotine and didn't have any special feelings towards smoking. After starting work, he had bid farewell to cigarettes entirely.

But today, he had lit up again. As Uncle Qin cleaned the herbs in the kitchen, Qin Zhichen pondered whether he should go upstairs and inform Shen Minglou.

Shen Minglou had arrived shortly before Qin Zhichen came back and should be getting ready for bed now.

Uncle Qin thought that they were a couple and perhaps Shen Minglou could help ease his emotional turmoil.

Once the tea was ready, he would ask Shen Minglou to come over.

As a cigarette burned down unknowingly, the fire in Qin Zhichen's heart did not turn to ashes with it.

Supporting his head and hiding his face in the darkness, he cursed his carelessness.

He closed his eyes, seething with anger, simulating various ways to torture the Shi family in his mind.

Taking a deep breath, veins bulged on his forehead.

The medicine from the Shi family was very strong, and though he was trying to hold on, he was gradually reaching his limits.

After taking over the Qin family, he had shed his spoiled attitude from his school days. He learned to manage his subordinates, his once expressive face turning into a mask of indifference to ensure their compliance.

But today, the medicine shattered the facade of indifference he had built over the years, revealing his true nature.

He exhaled sharply, the scene before his eyes becoming blurred with his efforts to contain himself.

Enduring, he wrapped the blanket around his waist, then with a strong step, he transitioned from the soft car seat to the hard ground.

Even in the summer night, the heat lingered, and the breeze felt like it was carrying embers, making it uncomfortable.

Gritting his teeth, Qin Zhichen returned to the house. His shirt was soaked with sweat, and he couldn't tell if it was due to endurance or the weather.

The air conditioning was on inside, the cool breeze offering some relief, but the flames of his inner turmoil persisted, making him uncomfortable.

Leaning against the entrance, his bangs soaked with sweat hung in strands. He kept his eyes open, striving to appear calm, but even his hand trembling as he removed his tie betrayed him.

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