C31. He is afraid of you, Mr. Qin.

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Chapter 31

Song Miyin placed the last dish on the dining table and sat down beside Qin Zhichen, asking curiously, "Where's Minglou? Why didn't he join us?"

Qin Zhichen took a sip of his soup nonchalantly and replied calmly, "He's on a business trip."

"That's a shame. I was hoping to see him and chat with him." Song Miyin picked up her chopsticks and clipped a piece of fish for Qin Chaoxing. "I've been tidying up the house these past few days and came across your old school photo album. I was thinking of looking at it with Minglou."

Song Miyin turned to Qin Zhichen and smiled, "Why don't you take the album back with you? You two can look at it together when he gets back."

Qin Zhichen paused mid-air while picking up food, nodded, and said lightly, "Okay, I will."

With that, he turned his attention back to the table, not mentioning Shen Minglou again.

Song Miyin was taken aback by his reaction.

She had deliberately created an opportunity for the two of them, but not only did he not seize it, he also seemed uninterested.

Qin Zhichen was not one to indulge solely in his appetite, yet today he was focused solely on the table, which was unlike him.

Song Miyin put down her chopsticks, and the wooden chopsticks made a soft sound as they touched the porcelain bowl.

Could something have happened between him and Shen Minglou?

Qin Chaoxing also sensed something was amiss. He looked up at Qin Zhichen and said, "If there's something between you two, you need to talk it out to get by."

"Marriage is not a game."

Song Mianyin immediately agreed, "Yes, that's how two people can have a lasting relationship."

"I know," Qin Zhichen's response remained indifferent, "I understand this principle."

But the colder and calmer he appeared, the more Song Mianyin and Qin Chaohang couldn't ignore the hidden waves beneath his calm exterior.

Qin Zhichen was their child, and Song Mianyin and Qin Chaohang knew his personality better than anyone.

For a moment, silence lingered at the dinner table.

Song Mianyin hesitated to speak out and advise, while Qin Chaoxing silently observed the situation.

Qin Zhichen, at the center of this quiet, seemed unfazed by the probing questions from his parents. He casually served a dish to Song Mianyin, saying, "This is delicious, Mom, try it."

Song Mianyin had to go along and change the subject, "..."

"Alright, I'll try it."

Song Mianyin exchanged a glance with Qin Chaoxing, a line forming between their brows.

Qin Zhichen deliberately displayed inconsistency in front of them, leaving them guessing without success. Song Mianyin reluctantly set aside her concerns and took a bite of the dish Qin Zhichen served her.

Upon tasting it, she was impressed, "...This is really good, Uncle Qin, your recipe recommendation is excellent."

Hearing her praise, Qin Zhichen helped himself to a portion of the dish as well. He chewed slowly and remarked, "This dish demands precision and patience from the chef to be done well."

Qin Chaohang nodded in agreement after taking a bite, acknowledging his words.

Suddenly, something crossed his mind, and he steered the conversation towards a more meaningful topic to lighten the tension.

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