C36. It's too late for you to say this now.

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Chapter 36

Shen Minglou sat up from the bed, his lifeless eyes soft as he whispered, "Someone moved in so quickly?"

Raising his head in the direction of Xiao Yue's voice, his gray and lifeless eyes reflected Xiao Yue's figure. "Can my eyes still recover?"

Speaking softly, with a hint of breath in his voice, he added, "Is the medication no longer effective?"

Xiao Yue saw his pale face and the weakness in his voice, carrying himself only with a single breath. He felt deeply concerned for him. With Xiao Han gone, they couldn't let Shen Minglou disappear at such a young age.

He couldn't continue the conversation as Shen Minglou might follow Xiao Han's footsteps towards contemplating suicide. Eyesight is crucial for a person, and the world after losing it is something no one can easily tolerate.

Xiao Yue had seen many patients, and the ability to communicate with others after losing sight was already a significant improvement.

"We need to conduct examinations to determine the cause. Your eyes can still recover, don't worry. With us here, you still have to come to my and Xue Mei's wedding," Xiao Yue comforted him.

Upon mentioning the joyous occasion, Shen Minglou's lips moved slightly as he nodded gently. "Yes."

He seemed to regain some vitality, gently getting off the bed, steadying himself with the bedside cabinet.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Seeing him struggle, Xiao Yue moved forward to support him, "I'll go with you."

"Just up to the door," Shen Minglou said. "I'll be fine on my own in my own home."

"If it were so, your hands wouldn't be injured," Xiao Yue sighed as he noticed the bandages on his hands. "You must occasionally rely on your family."

Shen Minglou didn't speak, only nodded slightly. Strands of hair fell over his forehead, covering half of his pale face, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Xiao Yue knew this was Shen Minglou's way of comforting him. He sighed lightly and gestured to Qin Zhichen at the door to move away.

Unaware of Qin Zhichen's presence at his home when he woke up, Shen Minglou's labored breathing clearly showed his attitude towards Qin Zhichen.

Now his health was the top priority, and Xiao Yue had to protect his mood. Any scare in front of Shen Minglou could worsen his condition.

Perhaps by helping him maintain a calm state of mind now, alongside later-stage treatments, his eyes could regain light again. Keeping him in a state of constant anxiety, even with any miraculous medicine, wouldn't help him.

Shen Minglou moved his hands in the air, relying on Xiao Yue's support while gripping the wall for stability. Having lost his eyesight, he needed to familiarize himself with every corner of his surroundings.

Xiao Yue also had his own work to attend to and couldn't be there to care for him at all times.

Pushing open the bathroom door for Shen Minglou, Xiao Yue wanted to enter but was stopped by Shen Minglou, "This is fine, I'll go in by myself."


Facing his direction, Shen Minglou said, "I can handle it."

With his resolute refusal, Xiao Yue had no choice but to let him go in alone.

The bathroom door closed with a click.

Xiao Yue watched the figure behind the door, his brows furrowed. As Shen Minglou moved away from his side, Xiao Yue's worries surfaced and enveloped his entire being.

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