C25. We are all doctors.

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Chapter 25

City C, located by the sea, is hotter in summer than City B.

When Shen Minglou disembarked the plane, it was dusk, with the setting sun casting a golden glow over half the sky, painting the ground in a radiant light.

The fiery red sunset gradually embedded in the turning blue sky, creating a scene that would have been beautiful if the weather wasn't so scorching.

But it was just too hot.

Standing at the airport entrance, Shen Minglou faced the air conditioning's cool breeze behind him while the sun, still emitting heat, loomed overhead. The alternating temperatures made one dizzy from the heat.

Checking his watch, Chang Li said, "Let's go, let's take a taxi to the city."

Shen Minglou nodded, he grabbed his luggage and accompanied Chang Li into the blazing heat.

There were many taxis outside the airport, and as they approached, several drivers shouted, "Where are you handsome guys heading? To the city for 80 yuan!"

Someone overheard and quickly lowered their price, "I'll take you for 75!"

The original driver was displeased and scolded, "You're so dishonest!"

"As if you didn't steal my customer the last time."

The driver retorted, lowering his price, "Who cares about you, handsome guys, come with me, I'm cheaper, 70 yuan to the city."

Just as Chang Li was about to speak, deciding between 75 and 80, suddenly a phone rang, interrupting their conversation.

Shen Minglou took out his phone, "Sorry, my phone is ringing."

"No problem, go ahead," Changli said.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was his long-unseen uncle, Hu Lin.

He answered the call somewhat awkwardly, "Hello, Uncle."

"Hey, Minglou. Have you disembarked?"

Clutching his phone, Shen Minglou replied, "Yes, I'm outside the airport getting ready to take a cab to the city."

Hu Lin sighed, and the noise of the car driving on the road came from the phone.

"Why call a cab? Uncle will come to pick you up, I'll be there in five minutes, so please wait for me."

Changli looked at him with confusion: What did he say?

Shen Minglou covered the receiver, "It's my uncle, he's coming to pick us up."

"That's great!" Changli exclaimed.

Shen Minglou spoke into the phone, "Alright, thank you, Uncle."

"It's no trouble." Hu Lin continued, "I heard from Xiao Yue that you'll be working with your colleagues this month. Have you decided where to stay?"

"Not yet," Shen Minglou replied.

Their plan was to find somewhere in the city for dinner tonight, then stay at a hotel and head to their final destination tomorrow.

Hu Lin said, "Your Aunt Tang mentioned that your mother's house is vacant. Why not stay there tonight? We have someone cleaning it regularly, so it's very clean."

"I'll pick you up, you haven't been there yet, have you?"

"...No, I haven't."

Shen Minglou was stunned, having spent most of his time in City B, and not spent much time in City C, apart from interactions with Xiao Yue and his mother.

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