C11. Please Instruct Me.

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Chapter 11

Shen Minglou intentionally wore a stern expression, fearing the child he was about to meet might be mischievous. He wanted to leave a strong impression on the child by appearing strict initially.

Although his appearance did not correspond to being strict, it was both an advantage and a disadvantage in the field of tutoring. He could come across as warm and friendly to obedient children, which helps in building a rapport, but leaving a negative impression on mischievous children could affect their future guidance.

He had faced consequences before for being too kind.

Engaging in casual conversation with Kong Miao, Shen Minglou discreetly observed Qin Zilin, who had just sat down next to Kong Miao.

Facing Qin Zilin's fearful gaze, Shen Minglou for the first time felt that Qin Zhichen's expression might indeed be intimidating enough to frighten the child.

Yes, he was intentionally adopting Qin Zhichen's usual cold look for this meeting with Kong Miao.

Most people in his circle of friends were jovial and non-confrontational, but after hearing about Kong Miao's dismissal of over a dozen tutors, he didn't dare to act as easygoing as usual. Hence, he had to emulate Qin Zhichen's serious demeanor to make an impression on Qin Zilin.

So far... it seemed like the results were quite positive?

"Teacher Shen, I heard Chang Li say that you also went up to Defang High School, right?"

Shen Minglou nodded. Defang High School is a century-old school in City B with both junior and senior high school campuses, considered one of the best schools in the city.

"Well, that's great." Kong Miao was pleased with Qin Zilin sitting obediently beside her, not saying a word. Her attitude towards Shen Minglou improved. "Zilin's grades are not too good. His current ranking fluctuates around the top two hundred in the grade. Do you think with these grades, he can be directly promoted to the third year?"

Shen Minglou was surprised at the question. He looked at Qin Zilin and fell into deep thought.

Defang High School is the best school in the city with strong faculty and only admits five hundred students in the junior high section. These five hundred students were all selected based on their performance in primary school, and naturally excelled in junior high.

Among these five hundred students, they may seem unremarkable in the school rankings, but any one of them could easily be a top player in other schools.

If Kong Miao did not intend for Qin Zilin to directly move up to the main high school campus, then it would be easier to handle. But if she wanted him to enter the main campus, his current grades would not be enough.

The senior high school section of Defang admits about seven hundred students each year, with only one hundred and fifty direct promotion spots from the junior high section.

Since Qin Zilin was fluctuating around the top two hundred, it would be difficult for him to squeeze into those one hundred and fifty spots.

"... " Shen Minglou didn't want to be too direct, especially with the child present. Hearing his words might make him feel bad.

So he threw the question back to Kong Miao, "What do you think?"

Kong Miao quickly replied, "I don't think it's possible."

Shen Minglou agreed, "It is a bit challenging... but not impossible."

Kong Miao looked at Shen Minglou's expression and sighed wearily, "This child always thinks his grades are good... even though I've hired over a dozen tutors for him, he doesn't listen and even drove away a few."

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