C35. I dreamed that Qin Zhichen came to see me.

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Chapter 35

"Shen Minglou."

Shen Minglou lifted his head in response to the voice, his mind clouded with confusion as he struggled to grasp the situation.

Through an iron gate, a man in a sharp suit stood before him, his gaze fixed on Shen Minglou.

His voice was soft and tender, laced with concern, "What's wrong?"

Shen Minglou: "..."

In a daze, he unconsciously touched his eyes.

A man stood backlit in front of the door, the sound of knocking echoing in Shen Minglou's heart.

"Didn't you call me, what's going on?"

The magnetic voice resonated heavily in his ears like a large clock: "Why aren't you opening the door for me?"

"Minglou, what's wrong with your eyes?"


Shen Minglou seemed to think of something, a flash of insight, he tried to grasp it amidst his sluggishness, but he couldn't respond promptly.

Seeing Shen Minglou not speaking, the man furrowed his brow, his face tense as if a storm was brewing in his eyes. His voice shifted from soft to angry, standing backlit, he seemed on the verge of breaking down the door and pulling him out of the house.

He suddenly asked, "Do you have an issue with your eyes?"

"Are you lying to me?"

His sharp gaze pierced through the door, the furious man with a cold face, through gritted teeth, said, "Do you know the consequences of lying to me? Where do you place the Qin family?"

Faced with his anger, Shen Minglou stood still, his eyes widened unconsciously, wanting to quickly close the door at his side to keep him outside. But facing the fear before him, he found himself unable to muster any strength, rooted to the ground as if unable to escape.

His eyes widened, the hidden fear in his heart erupted. Grasping the doorknob with his last strength, his voice trembling, he asked, "How...how did you come here?"

How could Qin Zhichen be here?

Panic-stricken, his words jumbled, "When did I make the call...? To you?"

He didn't call Xiao Yue...did he?

At this point, the remaining words choked in his throat. Suddenly, he realized something, his breath hitched, and his surroundings seemed to fade away like an ebbing tide, plunging him back into darkness.

Startled, Shen Minglou abruptly opened his eyes, breathing rapidly.

Unfamiliarly feeling the darkness that ensued after losing his vision in his dream, the real darkness shook him to his core.

He reached out aimlessly in the air, grasping for something but finding nothing.

Dejectedly, he withdrew his hand, pulled up the covers to his chin, burying himself in the blanket, curling up into a ball.

He breathed heavily, his gasps filling the room, a presence that couldn't be ignored.

...It was a dream.

With his eyes forcefully open, Shen Minglou reassured his pounding heart: it was just a dream.

His rapid breath caught the attention of someone outside, the sound of footsteps growing louder, gradually entering his room.

Seeing Shen Minglou lying curled up with wide eyes on the bed, Xiao Yue walked over quickly, pushing him back slightly and asked, "Awake?"


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