C23. Take your time coming back.

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Chapter 23

Shen Minglou held a Yoghurt in his arms, feeling a sudden unease in his heart for some unknown reason. As Yoghurt's tail wagged and swayed, his heart followed suit, uncertain.

A sense of inexplicable anxiety.

Yoghurt's paws rested on his hand, the cool touch of its pads easing some of the anxiety in his heart.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Shen Minglou took a deep breath, burying his head in the fluffy belly of the Yoghurt, hoping to calm his emotions.

Tomorrow morning, he would be leaving, and this was the last time he would bury his face in the Yoghurt's belly.

He had once thought about getting a cat to keep him company after the year ended. However, considering his eye condition, he feared not being able to care for a cat if his eyes acted up again.

Taking care of himself during an eye ailment was already a challenge, let alone taking care of a cat.

Feeling the warmth and the rise and fall, he took another deep breath, sniffing wildly with a determination not to miss any scent.

Yoghurt: "Meow!"

Shen Minglou finally lifted his head, a few cat hairs sticking to his forehead, which he plucked off.

Having just gone through all that, Yoghurt felt fearful of Shen Minglou and quickly jumped out of his arms, wagging its tail as it ran to Qin Zhichen's room.

Shen Minglou: "..."

As he brooded alone, his phone on the cabinet vibrated.

It was a video call from Qin Zhichen.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Qin Zhichen spoke first.

"Yes, I have," Shen Minglou checked the time; it was nine in the evening.

Normally, they would have dinner at seven.

"Mmm." Qin Zhichen faced the camera, watching Shen Minglou on the screen with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Shen Minglou glanced at him and quickly looked away.

With his eyes downcast, his long eyelashes covered his eyes, casting a shadow as he appeared meek.

Being naturally fair-skinned, Shen Minglou took great care of his health due to his condition, and his face was almost flawless. Holding the phone close, one could even see the fine hairs on his face.

The sound of his steady breathing was conveyed through the phone to Qin Zhichen miles away.

Perhaps it was because of what happened yesterday, the two found themselves in an awkward atmosphere now, both hesitant to speak first.

Coughing lightly, Qin Zhichen cleared his throat, intending to start with Yoghurt as he spoke first.

"Where's Yoghurt?" he asked.

Shen Minglou showed an awkward expression, his gaze shifting around as a cat hair clung to his chin.

"It went to your room," he said. Feeling too cold, he added, "I was holding it earlier, burying my face in its belly, and it got scared and ran to your room."

He flashed Qin Zhichen an embarrassed smile, his face slightly flushed.

Seeing Shen Minglou's smile, all anger faded from Qin Zhichen's face as he offered an explanation, "That's just how it is. It'll come back later for you to hold and sleep with."

"Okay," Shen Minglou glanced at Qin Zhichen's room with some concern, "I hope so."

Thinking about what Uncle Qin had told him this morning, Shen Minglou hesitated before asking, "How are things on your end?"

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