C20. Designing.

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Chapter 20

"Why do you look so upset, where is Shen Minglou?"

Qin Zhishu stood by Qin Zhichen with a glass of red wine, patting his shoulder to soften his expression. "You should be enjoying a baby's full month celebration right now."

"...He went attending a friend's wedding out of town," Qin Zhichen glanced at the dazzling chandeliers in the villa, forcing a softer expression on his face.

A waiter navigated through the crowd with a tray of drinks, and Qin Zhichen grabbed a glass of champagne to drown his anxiety.

He asked Qin Zhishu, "Did you and Kong Miao go with the tickets I gave you the other day?"

Qin Zhishu nodded, "Yes, we did. You even specifically gave me two days off work, so I had to go. It was quite fun, with a parent-child amusement park. Zilin took me to play all the venue together. I plan on taking Tengteng there next time..."

He recalled the enjoyable experience two days ago, but as he saw Qin Zhichen's increasingly despondent expression, he realized he had said something wrong.

"Those two tickets, were you planning to go with Shen Minglou?" Although Qin Zhichen didn't say a word, his expression confirmed Qin Zhishu's speculation.

Sweating nervously, Qin Zhishu realized he had taken away a couple's tickets to play, thinking it was no big deal to brag about it in front of others.

"...It was okay, not that fun," he said.

He inquired, "Since he is attending a friend's wedding, couldn't he still go out with you? Have you asked him?"

Qin Zhichen downed the champagne and looked troubled, "No, I was planning on asking him...but..."

Lowering his voice to be heard only by Qin Zhishu, he continued, "He mentioned divorce."

"That does complicate things."

Qin Zhishu, as Qin Zhichen's cousin and confidante, had known about all of Qin Zhichen's plans six months ago, he couldn't understand how Qin Zhichen had let emotions cloud his judgment.

It wasn't certain if he could win Shen Minglou back, but Qin Zhichen had quite a task ahead of him.

"Why can't you just approach him normally instead of all this subterfuge? If I were him, I would be thinking about when to leave every day," Qin Zhishu commented.

Feeling dejected, Qin Zhichen expressed, "He might reject me due to the difference in our lifestyles, so when the Shen family extended their hand, I saw it as an opportunity. I never thought the Shen family would be so difficult to handle. Now, as the deadline approaches, he can finally break free."

Listening to his words, Qin Zhishu was convinced.

Shen Minglou had never been raised properly by the Shen family, and facing his entire Qin family, Qin Zhichen knew Shen Minglou would likely reject him due to their class differences.

"So what's your plan next? Will you divorce him and then chase after him? It's quite tumultuous," Qin Zhishu remarked.

"...," Qin Zhichen fell silent.

During their year together, he had almost forgotten about the contract between him and Shen Minglou. Their harmony had made it clear to everyone in their circle that Shen Minglou held a special place in Qin Zhichen's heart.

He had carefully orchestrated everything according to his desires, only for Shen Minglou to suddenly bring up the contract that he had used as a facade, mentioning divorce.

As he looked at Shen Minglou's empty room in the past few days, he felt uneasy.

He had been too confident, thinking he could keep Shen Minglou by his side during the year, even tearing up the contract in front of him after it ended, claiming he had never intended to enforce the punitive clauses. If Shen Minglou wanted, he would transfer all his assets under Shen Minglou's name.

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