Chapter 1 The Drop In

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(Picture at the top is Ashton Raines)  

Chapter 1    The Drop In

"I've got the last box," Tommy called over to Payton as he walked into their shared dorm room, "between all my books and your books, we're going to need a few more bookcases."

Payton looked over at his best friend with a grin, "This is so great! I'm glad we're finally here."

"I know, me too. It was worth waiting though, made more sense to defer a year and take the classes at home that we needed to get into the PT program, instead of starting CSU as a liberal arts major and then transferring in, it would have been a waste of the tuition for the crappy classes we'd have to take that have nothing to do with our major."

"I know, but you could have started without me Tommy, I'm glad I worked last year, now don't have to depend on my parents so much for money, the less I have to ask them for, the less strings they can try to attach." The two had spent their first year after High School graduation taking the two prerequisites they needed and working full time before moving to Chicago to start their official Freshman year in the school's Physical Therapy program.

"Without you? Nevahhh! We're a team Pay!" He gave Payton a warm smile before he started unpacking the last box. "Honestly, I would have hated it here alone. I need my Paypay around to make me do my homework," he said with a sly grin.

Payton threw a rolled up sock at his friend. "You're 19 now Tommy, you're going to have to buckle down, did you see the classes we have to take? It's not going to be easy and we have to maintain a C+ average to keep the scholarships and grants we got."

"I always have my inheritance if they get taken away."

"Yeah, but Tommy, why pay for school when you don't have to. Plus, that money's for living expenses and getting you started after graduation. Your parents wouldn't have wanted you to blow it on school if it wasn't necessary. Anyway, we both know you're smarter than I am, you just need to buckle down, do the work and you'll get A's, you know that."

Tommy let out a huff, "You're way smarter than me."

"Yeah, that's why I got into CSU by the skin of my teeth. Whatever, we're here and it's going to be a great year. Now come on, we're supposed to go to this freshman 'meet and greet' in the quad, let's go see who we're going to be spending the next four years with."

"Mkay, let me just change my clothes, and I need to brush my hair or put it in a hair tie or something." Payton rolled his eyes at his best friend. Tommy was a true fashionista and very particular about how his long, wavy brown hair looked. Payton's shorter red hair was pretty much wash and go and he never really worried too much about what he was wearing so he plopped down onto a bed to get comfortable, since it would be at least 30 minutes until his friend was ready.

"You're so gay," Payton muttered, much to the amusement of his friend.

"Yup. 100% pro dick," Tommy laughed, "and proud of it!"

Once Tommy was finally ready, his long hair brushed to perfection until it lay on his shoulder in soft glistening waves and he had on just the right shirt, the two friends walked across the large green to where several tables were set up and a small crowd was gathering. It was nice weather that day so the event was held in the courtyard in between the Health Studies building and one of the Science buildings. Tables with refreshments and several for eating at were set up, Tommy and Payton went to the registration table first where a perky young woman in her early twenties greeted them. "Are you freshmen?" she asked as they signed in and filled out their name tags as instructed.

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