Chapter 21 First Times

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(Pictured above is Master Kael)

Chapter 21 First Times


Master Matthias is just sitting there watching me closely, his elbows on the armrests of his chair and his hands clasped together with his pointer fingers making a triangle in front of his mouth and tapping each other as I tell him about the party I went to with Brody.

"Were you drinking?"

"I had just one beer Sir, I swear," I reply keeping my eyes at his chest level, not only out of respect, but his cold eyes have a way of looking right through you, right down to your soul as if they could see every secret you ever kept. It makes me nervous and when I'm nervous I have a habit of blurting out too much.

"So, you had sex with this Brody?"

"Well, not exactly, Sir."

My eyes dart up long enough to see a raised eyebrow and his silence affects me like a dozen people shouting questions at me.

" see...that's where things were headed...and um...did I mention his friend Guillermo?" Silence. "So..." I wonder if he wants details or generalities, but my stupid mouth is going faster than my brain, "So Guillermo, or 'G' is what Brody calls him, came with us. We all hung out together for a bit, you know, got to know each other. He was really nice. Very sexy, Brazilian!" I say as if that explains it all. But his eyes are blank.

I squirm in the hard wooden chair as he continues to stare at me. "We watched Brody play quarters for a bit, he's not very good at it so he had to take a lot of shots. Then he asked me to take him upstairs, he wanted to lie down for a bit and said we could talk, but he wiggled his eyebrows when he said 'talk'," I stifle a nervous chuckle and keep going. "So we started making out and you know," I hold up my arms and do the jazz know, his hands were everywhere. No amusement in his eyes whatsoever, so I just continue.

"And one thing lead to another and, umm, I sort of didn't have clothes on...Brody was just in his jeans...and there was a knock at the door..."

"Brody, there's someone at the door!" I whisper shout.

"Don't worry, it's just G, you don't mind if he joins us, do you? Go unlock the door for him," he mumbles, moving from hovering over me to laying down on the bed with a sigh.

"Join us? You mean, like...fooling around?"

"He's my best friend, we've been sharing everything since we were kids. Just go let him in Payton."

Does he sound almost annoyed? Whatever. I get up, grabbing my shirt and holding it in front of me as I click the lock and peek out.

"Hey Payton," Guillermo says quietly, his deep, slightly accented voice sexy and promising.

"Hey, um, you want to come in?" I reply, letting go of the door. He pushes it open, stepping in and re-closing it. I hear the lock click back in place.

"You okay?" he asks, lifting my chin up with his finger. Something about his mannerisms, the softness in his eyes, the confidence, seems familiar and puts me at ease.

"Yes Si..." I almost blurt out. "Yeah G."

He takes my face in both his hands, pulling me close until our lips crash together and my whole body tingles from his kiss. My shirt, which I've been holding in front of my crotch slips out of my hands, onto the floor.

Guillermo leads me back to the bed and we look down and Brody is sound asleep. "This is why I don't drink," he chuckles. "I love him, but he really is such an ass."

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