Chapter 16 New Year, New Beginnings

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Chapter 16 New Year, New Beginnings


"Everything was okay after we left?" Casey asks once we are seated at the table. We're having a late lunch at a restaurant called Mana Food Bar, one I've never been to before. It has a relaxed hipster feel and glancing at the menu and all the vegetarian and vegan options I can tell why he likes it. Casey is very particular about what he eats, he's not vegetarian, but he still enjoys a lot of the types of foods served at vegetarian restaurants. Casey treats his body like the proverbial temple. Not that I can blame him, I think as I look over at his amazing physique. He is a god, I totally worship him.

"Why are you blushing?" he asks with a smirk, once again catching me staring.

"Ah...nothing. Yeah, everything was fine. We all just crashed." I laugh thinking about Payton. "Well, Payton drank like a gallon of water first, made toast and took some Tylenol before he'd go to sleep. He wanted to avoid a hangover as much as possible."

Casey lets out a quiet chuckle. "How well did that go? He was...well, not what I'd ever expect from him. He's usually pretty quiet."

"It's the quiet ones that surprise you," I comment.

"That's very true!"

"He actually felt pretty fine this morning. He was up, made us all pancakes and was out the door by 10. I didn't wake up until right before he left. He was frantically looking for the car keys Lane hid. Well, he was fine physically, but nervous and excited at the same time. He met Master Remington to show him around Chicago today, that's why I lent him my car."

"Hmm..." Casey looks thoughtful for a minute, like he's contemplating saying something before he looks down at the menu.


His head pops up. "I don't know much about Remington, except that he's only here for a short time. I assume Payton is aware of that."

"He is..."

"Again, I don't know Payton that well either, but he seems...correct me if I'm wrong, but a bit on the sensitive side. The type of submissive who needs a more caring and attentive Dom. I just hope he doesn't get hurt."

I sigh. He's not saying anything I haven't been thinking about either. I shrug my shoulders, "you're not wrong there, but...I think Payton is at odds between that side of himself and bit of a wild streak that wants to go a little nuts and try lots of new experiences now that he's away from home. His parents tried to mold him into this person he's not, they stifled him, so now he's...spreading his wings I guess. He's stubborn too, if I tried to tell him what he should and shouldn't do it would just backfire."

A waitress walks up before Casey can reply. She glances at me and then gives Casey a big smile. "Hey Casey. How was your Christmas hun?"

'Hun?' I frown as an irrational part of myself feels a pang of jealousy. I hate it. Jealousy is petty, but I just can't help it.

"It was pretty amazing actually," Casey replies and looks at me with a beaming smile that instantly lifts my heart back up. I can't help but smile in return and then quickly look down at my menu before I blush. "How was yours Stacy?"

"Eh, it was okay. You know, did the family thing and all that. What can I get you?"

"Tommy, what would you like?"

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