Chapter 36 Lone Rhinoceros

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Chapter 36  Lone Rhinoceros

We're  including the lyrics to the song we've attached to this chapter, Lone Rhinoceros, by Adrian Belew - a wacky musician most of you have probably never heard of who I used to listen to several years ago,  and who I've seen live a few times in small venues in Burlington, Vermont and Boston, Mass.  The song fit well and since some of you don't (or can't) listen to the songs, I wanted you to at least read the lyrics and maybe see the connection and message we were going for.

I'm a lone rhinoceros
There ain't one hell of a lots of us
Left in this world

I stand alone in my concrete cell
Where people stare and toss me Coke cans
I guess it's better than being poached
But I'd give my horn just to see my homeland

I'm a lone rhinoceros
There ain't one hell of a lots of us
Left in this world

They say I am ugly,
Call me a beast
I hear them snicker
When I'm half asleep
Is beauty such a big commodity
I always heard it was only so deep

I'm a lone rhinoceros
There ain't one hell of a lots of us
Left in this world

I know the zoos protect my species
They give me food, collect my feces
But I can't help it, I miss the past
I'll never again see my good old mudbath  


"Where's Master Matthias?" Ashton asks Lane as we all get out of Tommy's car.

"We already said our goodbyes," Lane replies, "Daddy doesn't like scenes....haha!" I smile as he laughs at his own joke. "Well, you know, not goodbye scenes, so he left for the office a few minutes ago. He left a list of things to say to everyone though," Lane adds while waving a piece of paper. Tai, who is the closest plucks it out of his hand.

Clearing his throat, Tai reads the list in a deep voice, trying to imitate our Head Dom's authoritative tone.

"There is to be absolutely no drinking in, around or near the van. No drinking and then driving. If I find out you have, and trust me I will find out one way or the other, punishment will be given. No drinking if you're even a passenger in the van. No driving with anyone who has been drinking. Lane is the only one legally allowed to drink anyways and I know he will not be drinking during the drive, which means none of you will even be drinking on this trip. Right? Right. No driving tired, if you're tired, stop and take a rest before you continue. Lane has my credit card if you need to get a motel room along the way. No irresponsible behavior or acting in any way to cause anyone harm or embarrassment. Have fun, but conduct yourselves in a manner befitting your training and membership of the Red Door. Even when you are away, you represent the Club and your Doms. Be safe at all times and in all ways and I'm sure you all get the meaning of that. If there are any problems at any time, call me immediately. If you don't have my cell phone programmed into your phone, do so immediately."

"Wow Tai, you sounded so much like daddy I just popped a boner," Lane says sounding slightly dazed. "Mind if we make a quick stop at the club before we head out on the highway?"

"NO!" We all shout.

"Does he really expect us not to drink on this trip?" Ashton asks with a raised brow.

"Nah, he knows we're going to. I'm sure he's just thinking we're not going to so he doesn't worry as much. I already promised him I wouldn't get drunk. Remember guys, you don't need to be drunk to have a good time!" Lane says surprisingly serious making us all nod along.

Chris and Ashton are pulling our bags out of the trunk so Tommy and I go to help.

"Okay Payton," Tommy says as we finish packing them into the van, "who's up first for driving."

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