Chapter 49 The Color Run

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Chapter 49  The Color Run


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"Congratulations mon chou," Remy says as he leans over the center console and gives me a light kiss on my lips. My face heats up and my whole body tingles even though his lips barely brush mine. My heart rate spikes and my hands suddenly feel clammy.

"Thanks," I reply, my voice barely a whisper as look down so he can't see my face which is probably blushing an even deeper shade of red. I'm still fighting the fear that Remy will suddenly see me for who I really am and then question why he's with me. Will I ever stop feeling like the awkward misfit in a John Hughes movie? Stupid insecurities, they really are the worst. If only I could figure out how to shut up that inner voice that tells me I'm not good enough.

Warm fingers lift up my chin and turn my face so I'm looking into two beautiful, dark brown eyes.

"How does it feel to have your freshman year behind you?" he says with a smile that comforts me and seems to quiet the insecurities.

"Really good. It went so fast, it doesn't feel like it should be done already."

I took my last final this morning and then packed up all my stuff in my dorm room, which I'll pick up Sunday morning since that's the last day we can be at the dorms, and then Monday Remy is going to drive me to my Grandfather's house in Muskegon, Michigan.

Until then I'm spending my first weekend with Remy. Although we signed a contract last week, we haven't officially started because he wanted me to focus on school through finals. We haven't been together at all yet and I'm anxious and jittery to be with him tonight. Not anxious-bad, but anxious in that I'm really sick of waiting, but I understand. It's part of him being a good Dom to not let me lose my focus. As a result, I'm pretty sure I've ended the semester with a 4.0 average for my freshman year, which is why he's congratulating me.

All my grades except the final I took this morning have already been posted on-line, and I'm pretty confident I aced the one this morning. Tommy and I talked about it after and looked up the questions that we were worried about so I think...hopefully, I did well.

It kind of sucks that I have to leave on Monday since we barely just got together, but Remy's going to stay a few days with me in Muskegon. The best part...drumroll please; Grampa and Ellen will be away until the end of next week at Ellen's niece's wedding in Mexico, so Remy and I will have the place to ourselves! I'll have to work some, but Remy said he didn't mind, he'll bring his laptop and deal with emails, make phone calls and write proposals while I'm working at the marina, and then we have the rest of the time for just the two of us.

"How do you think you did on the final this morning?" he asks.

"Good. I'm pretty sure I aced it, but not 100% positive," I tell him. "The grades won't be posted until Monday though."

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