Chapter 17 Tonight's the Night

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(pictured above is Sean)

Chapter 17 Tonight's The Night


"What if he changed his mind Tommy," I sigh and lean against the wall of lockers. "What if he wants to be with some other sub tonight, there are so many out there who are way hotter and more experienced than me."

We've only been here 20 minutes and haven't even gone out to the floor yet, but my nerves are getting to me and I'm about ready to bail. The club is filling up for the big New Year's Eve party and people seem to be coming out of the woodwork. When we walked from the door to the locker room it felt like every member is here tonight, from the regulars to the ones that maybe only come a few times a month; I only recognized about half the people I saw on our way in.

Well, not everyone is here tonight. Ash isn't coming and I'm a little disappointed. I know that Tommy will be with Casey all night, er, Master Casey. I have to make sure I call him that or Sir when we're here since we're not at the gym. I figured if things didn't work out with Master Remy, I could always hang with Ashton because apparently Master Gideon isn't coming either. Tai will be here though, and probably Chris unless Master Matthias told him he couldn't come. I nod to myself because that would probably be one part of Chris' punishment.

"Payton Johns just stop talking like that. You're just as hot as any of the subs here. Go out there and hold your head up high, Master Remington would be lucky to have your company tonight and if he's stupid and doesn't, well then there are plenty of other Doms who would...but...just be careful with any you don't know," he added in a concerned tone. "Actually be careful if you're with Master Remy too."

"I will Tommy, I won't do anything I don't want to do," I reply with a smirk. Tommy lets out a sigh as he watches me closely. "Don't worry boo," I tell him and reach up on my toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "You be careful too! Use protection! You're still 19 and we don't want any teen pregnancies!"

"And don't roll your eyes at me young man!" I scold playfully.

"You're such a goof, come on, it's show time! Let's go out."

"Okay Tommy-poo." My best friend lets out another sigh as I flash him a smile.

Call me immature, but I have to admit, I love picking on him. I follow Tommy out through the sub's locker room, which is packed. Especially in front of the mirrors where they're crowded fixing hair or putting on eyeliner and lip gloss. Tommy's wearing both, but all I use is a little chapstick and that's it. I swear I look like a racoon with eyeliner.

"Do you think I should get one of my nipples pierced?" I ask Tommy when he stops to wait for some guys to move out of the way. I don't know why it just popped in my head.

"You're so random," he replies, shaking his head. "Hmm, sure. It would look cool. Like a small gold hoop or something."

"Would you come with me when I do it?"

"Yes, of course."

"Cool. I'll ask Tai where I should go. Is he here yet?"

"I don't know, maybe."

I look through the crowded room to see if he arrived while we were changing, but I don't see him. When I turn back Tommy is several steps ahead so I weave my way through to catch up.

"Hey!" Someone tugs on my arm and I look and its that Eddie kid.

"What?" I try to keep any irritation out of my voice because there's no reason to be annoyed at him.

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