Chapter 34 Healing Touch

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(Master Ken above - gah, faints at his sexiness)

Chapter 34 Healing Touch


"Mmmm," I groan as strong fingers dig into the muscles of my lower back.

"Take a deep breath, then let it out slowly as I push down, there you go, that's it."

Master Ken's voice, barely above a whisper could put me in a trance alone, but his hands; they are magic. They should be licensed and regulated. Only for me. Yeah, that's fair. I wish.

This is the third night in a row he's come to my apartment to see me, after blowing my mind (among other things) in his playroom at the club. We didn't scene, he said no scening until after I'm fully healed. He put some special balm on my ankle and then wrapped it in these weird dried leaves. They were big and he had heated them up between wet towels. Yeah, he has a towel heater in his playroom. He uses it to warm his sub's muscles before and after a scene. Did I mention his amazingness?

It's been great seeing him every night. It feels...well, like having a boyfriend.

Master Ken is different. He's not a big talker, he communicates in other ways. He's very intense and the way he stares into my eyes when we're doing a rope scene, is hypnotic. I seriously think he does put me into a trance when he's with me. I can't wait until I'm healed.

"I seriously feel so much better already Master, I think I can get rid of the crutches by the weekend."

"Not until your physical therapist gives you approval to do so Tai."

"Lane's going to check me out tomorrow. He's interning with one of PT's at the University Health Center this semester so he's overseeing Lane's treatment of me. They both said between the exercises and your magic hands I'm healing way fast."

"You have a strong and resilient body which you take care of, so I'm not surprised."

"Thank you Sir."

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"Don't move," he whispers a few minutes later, after he's finished massaging every part of my body and my skin is tingling. I'm lying naked, on my stomach, on my bed. Master Ken, shirtless since he turned up the heat in my apartment, steps out of the room into my bathroom, so I close my eyes and relax into the soft mattress.

I smile when I faintly hear a zipper being pulled down and am soon rewarded with a warm, equally naked body draping over my back, just enough weight pressing down to make me feel the deep heat from his body transfer into mine.

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