Chapter 4 Sea Monkeys

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(Casey pictured above)

Chapter 4   Sea Monkeys


"You guys finally made it!" I look over and Tai is rushing over to our table. He's wearing a sleeveless black mesh shirt, his black collar and a pair of black cotton skinnys with black Doc Martens. I'm sensing a theme.

He has a great body, especially since he's a dancer, so I'm surprised he's not in a lot less, but then again, Tai's a bit reserved, however, his hair and clothes are on point! The guy could make a paper bag look sexy.

"Ah, there you are," Chris chuckles. "I wasn't sure if you'd be busy or not."

Tai smirks at Chris. "I will be later, umm, I was just in the sub's locker room...getting ready." Chris' eyebrows go up, but before he can say anything Tai turns to Payton and I.

"What do you think?" he asks, looking between the two of us.

Payton looks around and then back to Tai. "It's different, but I like it so far."

"Do you want me to give you a tour? It won't take too long, but I can only show you the public parts before Master Nathan calls for me."

"I don't know, are we allowed?" Payton asks. I could tell he's a little nervous about wandering around the club, but I'm already intrigued by the place. I want to see more, I want to see some Doms; there are a few at the bar, but I want to see them up close, especially the shirtless ones sitting up on the raised floor over by the larger stage.

"Yeah, it's okay. Maybe, if Master Matthias doesn't look too busy, I can introduce you to him. He owns the club, he's the head Dom and does most of the training. He trained me and Chris and is training Ashton."

"Maybe you should just stay out of his way for right now," Ashton says quietly.

"Well, he would want to know who's in his club," Tai protests.

"Just be really careful guys," Ashton warns and Payton's eyes go wide.

"I'm going to go up and dance," Chris announces as if he hadn't caught a word of our conversation. He hops up, pulls off his shirt and, swinging his hips, makes his way to the dance floor. Pretty soon he's grinding with some of the other subs on the dance floor. The guy has no shame.

But...he doesn't need any either.

"Come on guys," Tai says standing up. "Okay, so you already see the dance floor and then over there is the main stage where scenes or demonstrations are performed...the smaller stages are used too, one night I was here and there were scenes going on all of them and I couldn't even choose where to look. It was so intense..." We followed Tai across the room, he stopped and turned around to us, his voice barely above a whisper.

"So, up there is Master Matthias, see the big guy, that's like his throne, not really, but kinda. The other guys sitting on the other chairs and sofas around him are his friends and all really important Dom's here. The guy who's laughing is Master Rowan. He's really hot, he doesn't have a sub, but likes to play with the unattached subs. I did a scene with him once before I met Master Nathan...if he had asked me, I would definitely have gone with Master Rowan, but he hardly ever plays with the same sub twice...well, until he's gone through almost all of the ones around." I look up at Master Rowan and wonder about if I would want to 'play' with him. I don't really do one night stands, but hey, I'm in college now, maybe I need to expand my horizons.

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