Chapter 25 Head on Collision

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Chapter 25 Head on Collision


"Tommy, calm down, I'm fine baby." Standing next to a bed in an Emergency Room examination room, I begin to shake as Casey tries to convince me he's okay. As much as he tells me he's fine, it won't sink in; if he was fine would he be in that bed? Tonight has been horrible, waiting hours for him, thinking the worst and then the call from a nurse at the ER, I almost keeled over. Luckily Payton was there to steady me and then drive me here to the hospital, because there was no way I could have done it.

I'd stayed at the club until well after 2:00 a.m., Master Matthias had just come to find out what was wrong when he heard I was sitting in the locker room crying on Payton's shoulder.

"I just have a concussion, they want to keep me here a few more hours, but it's just for observation then I can go home. Sit down, you look like you're about to drop. I can't have you getting a concussion too." I look around and pull up a small chair from the corner of the curtained off area. Sitting down, I can't hold it in any longer and let loose; almost 6 hours of pent up tears pouring down my face, choking from trying to hold in loud sobs. "Shh, shh, baby, don't cry. It's okay, come on, you can see for yourself!" Casey leans forward, watching me desperately.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, reaching for a kleenex from the stand next to him. "I...I was so worried. I thought..." I choke out another sob, "I thought..."

"Excuse me nurse, is there a kid with bright red hair sitting out in the waiting room?" Casey interrupts as a woman in scrubs walks in.

"Yes, would you like me to get him?"

"Yes, please, if you don't mind." Casey pulls me into his chest while I try to catch my breath and stop crying.

"Um, hi Casey," Payton says as he walks in. "I'm really glad you're okay. Tommy, well, all of us, were really worried about you."

"Thanks Payton. And thank you for driving Tommy here. I'm glad he didn't get behind a wheel."

"It's okay, I never would have let him drive himself," he says shrugging.

"Listen Payton, Tommy's exhausted. I'd like you to drive him to my place and put him to bed.."

"Casey, it's okay, I want to stay. I'll just worry more if you make me leave."

"No baby, you need to get some rest. I'll join you at my place in a few hours."

"No Casey, I'm not leaving here until you do, there's just no discussion about it," I insist. Dom or no Dom, I'm not going!

"I'm sorry Casey, I know Tommy," Payton says, "he's not going to let me take him away. Haven't you figured out he's stubborn as a..."


"Sorry Tommy." Payton blushes and looks down, hiding a smirk. "Listen, I'll go get him something to eat and some coffee. He gets really emotional when he's hungry, if I get him some food that will help and then, when they let you go, I'll drive you both back to your place."

Casey's lips turn down into a frown as his brows furrow, "You must be exhausted too, we can just take a cab."

"No way, I'm fine. Tomorrow's Saturday, I can sleep in. Tommy's always there for me, I want to stay and be here for him...but don't worry, I won't be in your way, I'll stay in the waiting room so you guys can you know...cuddle or do whatever you need to do."

I let out a small laugh, which makes me feel a bit better.

"Okay," Payton says, smiling at me, "I'll be right back. Casey, do you want something too? Food, coffee? Are you allowed to eat?"

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