Chapter 50 Epilogue

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Chapter 50 Epilogue


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"I've looked forward to this for a long time," he says as he puts the last dish in the dishwasher and turns around and walks back to where I'm still sitting at the dining room table. We'd had dinner, talked for an hour over dessert until he made me sit while he cleared the dishes.

"What?" I asked, even though I had an idea.

"Making you mine." His reply was simple, and as he stroked a single finger down my forehead, and across my cheek, he gave me a soft smile that reflected in his eyes. "And I'm yours too, Payton. I want you to trust me, to count on me. I know you don't want to be taken care of in all aspects of the words, but as much as you'll let me, I want to take care of you."

"You have been, you do," I reply. "I like the ways you do. You always putting my needs first, thinking about what's best for me. Bringing me my favourite treats when I'm studying," I add, smiling at the thought.

When I was studying in the library for finals, Remy would sometimes pop in with a Chai Latte or a box of Very Berry Mike and Ike's, or whatever little treat he knows I like. He'd never stay long because he didn't want to interrupt me, he'd just pop in, drop off the gift, give me a kiss and take off just as fast. Of course, it would take me a half hour to stop daydreaming about him after these visits, but it was worth it. He always seems so happy too, as if bringing me a treat was the highlight of his day.

"You don't..." I begin, but then stop, not sure how to say it right.

"What Payton?" I grin, because he actually hardly ever calls me by my name, usually using one of the many terms of endearment he seems to have for me.

Then I frown, feeling awkward. "It was nothing," I reply.

Furrowed brows meet my gaze and I know I'd better say something because he doesn't like when I keep things to myself.

"I just was going to say, you don't have to keep doing nice, out of guilt or anything...because what happened before."

His furrowed brows become even sterner...and I can see the family resemblance to Master Matthias. I tell myself not to look down, keep his gaze because outside of the playroom that's what he'd like me to do, he told me. But it's kinda hard when he's looking at me like that.

"Is that what you think?" he finally says. "That I only do nice things for you out of guilt?"

"," I say softly. Even I can hear the lack of conviction.

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