Chapter 39 Home is Where the Heart is?

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Chapter 39 Home is Where the Heart is?


As we pull into the driveway we see Master Matthias and Remy standing up near the front door talking. When they see us they start walking across the grass in our direction.

"Funny, Remy just happens to visit his cousin at the same time we're due to arrive," Lane says with a chuckle.

Ashton pulls into the spot next to my car and Lane immediately hops out of the van and goes running at Master Matthias, who has a big grin on his face totally unlike how the rest of us are used to seeing him. As Lane closes in, Master Matthias braces himself and Lane leaps up on to him, wrapping his legs around the large man's waist and immediately they are kissing like they haven't seen each other in a year. Neither of them says anything to anyone, Matthias just turns around and carries Lane back to the house and they disappear inside.

 Neither of them says anything to anyone, Matthias just turns around and carries Lane back to the house and they disappear inside

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"I don't think I'll be stepping back in there for a while," Remy says as I climb out of the van.

"Hello Sir," I say.

One by one we all get out. Chris is last and he closes the door while Ashton walks around back to open the hatch so we can get our bags. Remy walks closer with a confused look on his face and opens the door, looking inside the empty van.

"Aren't you missing someone?" he asks.

We all look at each other and then Chris snaps his fingers. "Shit, has anyone seen Payton?"

"Last I saw him was when we stopped for gas in Georgia," Ashton deadpans.

"Oh my god, did we leave him at the rest stop?" Tai says more loudly.

I literally have to put my hand on my mouth to keep from laughing. I look at Remy and he looks both worried and mad.

"Are you serious," he growls, pulling out his phone.

I can't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Sir, no, Payton's fine. He had to fly back to Connecticut yesterday afternoon. His Great Aunt passed away so he had to fly home for the funeral."

Remy looks relieved and glares at Chris before stalking over to his car. Before he gets in he turns back. "Thank you Tommy, please send him my condolences."

"I will Sir," I reply, following him to his car while the others unload luggage. Then for some reason my mouth keeps going, "He's flying back Thursday. I told him I'd pick him up from the airport, but...I forgot, I have a class at the same time his plane lands...but it's okay, he can take a bus..."

"Text me his flight information," Remy says, his voice softening, "I'll pick him up." Before I can ask him for his number, he gets into his car and drives away.

"Jesus Christmas," Tai says, letting out a long breath.

"That man has it bad," Chris adds, "Our little Payton should milk this for all it's worth."

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