Chapter 18 New Year's Dissolution

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(pictured above is Master Ken)

Chapter 18 New Year's Dissolutions


Sitting with my back against the door of the locked bathroom, I'm shaking as I clutch my phone in my hands. It's been 15 minutes since I called Tommy and begged him to come get me. He said he was leaving right that second and knowing it takes about 45 minutes to get from the club to Master Matthias' house I stare at the phone, willing the next 30 minutes to speed by.

Behind me I hear the raised voice of Master Remy's rapid French. Spoken so fast and so angrily I can barely make out all the words.

I put the phone down on my knees which I have pulled up to my chest so I can cover my ears and block out the shouting. 'Hurry Tommy please, just get me out of here!' I close my eyes and just hum to myself blocking out everything around me and soon I realize I'm rocking as well. You've really lost it now Payton.

The next time I open my eyes to check the time it's 15 minutes later and it sounds quiet behind me. I wonder if the room is empty now.


"So, this is where you live huh?" Sean asks as he looks around my dorm room and I take my coat off, along with my long sleeve shirt.

"Yeah," I mumble while sitting on the edge of my bed and kicking off my boots. "It's not too bad because my roommate is hardly ever here. He's usually at his girlfriend's place so I have the whole room to myself."

"That's cool, why don't you take out the bed so you could have more room?" He questions while plopping down on the chair.

"I feel like it'll come in handy in the future, like now. You're sleeping on that bed and I guess if any of my friends ever need somewhere to crash they can use it," I shrug as he hums.

"When do I get to meet your new friends? I'm surprised you have friends at all, you know with your 'leave me alone' personality." He chuckles and I roll my eyes before grabbing the remote.

"Shut up," I grumble as I turn on the TV.

"Wait, do you have any Now & Later?" He asks while kicking off his boots.

"Yeah, top drawer," I mumble while turning on the DVD player and putting the movie in.

"Damn Ash, ready for an invasion huh?" He laughs making me look over and he's rummaging through all the junk food I have in my nightstand.

"You know how I get at night," I shrug as he grabs a few packs of Now & Later candy.

"Yeah, trust me I know." He snorts as I sit against the headboard of my bed.

"Shh, it's starting," I say while grabbing a Cherry SqueezePop from the drawer. Sean sits next to me since the TV is facing my bed and that's the only place you'll be able to really see anything. Popping the cap of the bottle open, I put it against my lips and squeeze making the sour candy fill my mouth. Once the movie starts, Sean stops his grumbling. He can complain all he wants, I know that he loves this movie as much as I do. Like the obsessive person I am, I have all three movies on DVD so after the first one ends, I just put on the second one.

"Wait, I need to pee. Do you have a bathroom in here?" He asks while jumping up from the bed.

"It's that door right there," I say while nodding towards the bathroom.

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