Chapter 41 FWP

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Chapter 41   FWP


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Deep in the world of a book, I'm suddenly pulled out by a tap on the shoulder. A shadow blocks the sun, then a large figure descends and crouches in front of me. I'm sitting cross-legged on the bench and soon a face is only a few feet in front of me. It takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up as I look forward in confusion. Then I look around, I guess for Tommy. Slowly the synapses in my head start to work again and I realize that the large man before me with the beautiful flawless dark skin tone, warm brown eyes and soft smile is more than just familiar. It's a face that's been haunting my dreams, both at night and during the day when I allow myself. For months. A face I've missed, not that I would admit that to anyone, but I've missed it so much that sometimes it hurts. Bad. So bad I've had to find as many ways to distract myself as possible. Not all of them necessarily positive distractions.

I'm still confused though and I look around yet again wondering where Tommy is.

"Hi Payton."

His voice is killer. Deep...and molasses. Molasses? Can you compare a voice to molasses? Maybe it's more like rich chocolate fudge that you pour on ice cream. I'll go with that, it tastes better. All I know is that it flows inside me and touches all these deep hidden parts of my soul. It draws my attention back like a lighthouse beacon.

"Hi Remy...err, Master Remington," I say and he chuckles.

"You can call me Remy, I like it better actually."

"What are you doing here Si...Remy? I was waiting for Tommy to pick me up."

"He's not coming. He couldn't make it so I offered to come get you. I hope that's alright?"

"Um. Yeah. It's fine. I mean, thank you. I appreciate it, but you didn't have to. I could have taken a shuttle or something."

"I wanted to and it's no trouble."

"I'm sure you had better things to do."

"Nope. I'm doing just what I want to do."

How does one reply to that, I wonder. Having no good comeback I just blush and look down.

"I'm very sorry about your Aunt, Payton, I hope Tommy passed on my condolences."

"He did, um, thanks. She was my great Aunt and I didn't know her too well, so it's okay...I mean, it was sad, but she was really old and living in a nursing home and that couldn't be much of a life, so I guess she's probably in a better place now, or that's what we're supposed to think, so it's okay, you don't have to be sor..."

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