Chapter 35 Road Trip!

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Chapter 35   Road Trip!!


"I don't have to go, they'll have so much fun they won't even notice." I say as I lean over Casey's back and wrap my arms around him. "I could come with you to Minneapolis."

"Baby, no. This is your first Spring break and you're going to have a great time. Stop worrying about me, I'll be fine. I have to spend a few days seeing how the new manager is doing and then when I get back I'll be stuck with my accountant for several more getting my taxes done. All boring stuff."

"But last time..."

"Last time was a freak accident. I'm not going to live my life scared and neither are you. I'll be fine. It's you boys I'm more worried about, driving through the night? I don't know if that's such a great idea."

"We're going to take turns, just 2 or 3 hours shifts at the most. Two awake at all times, to make sure the driver is wide awake. Payton made a spreadsheet, so it's all organized."

"A spreadsheet?"

"Yeah, who's driving when, who their driving buddy is, when the others should sleep. So everyone shares the driving equally. He likes doing stuff like that. You should see his lists..."

Casey chuckles and I close my eyes, snuggling my face into his neck as his shoulders vibrate. I really am excited to go on Spring break with the guys, I just feel bad leaving Casey, but I know he'll be fine. He's a big boy, he doesn't need me looking after him. I let out a long sigh.

"That was a big sigh," he says, pulling me around in front of him and into his lap, so much for clearing the table. "Stop worrying, it's a waste of time to worry about every little thing that could possibly go wrong. If you don't stop, I'm going to pull your pants down right here in the kitchen and give you a spanking. Is that what you want?"

"No, no," I yell as he tries to turn me over onto my stomach, "I'm sorry, I won't worry, I promise!" I can't help but laugh as he tries to tickle me, but I grab on to his hands so he can't. "Don't tickle me, I'll throw up my whole dinner, seriously," I beg, "and that meal was amazing."

"Fine, I'll let you off the hook this time, but only because this is my favourite shirt." I turn away and roll my eyes. If anyone thinks I'm a too into my clothes, well they should meet Casey. His wardrobe is three times as big as mine and even his workout clothes are meticulously planned and picked out. His whole, 'my body is my temple', and he knows how to adorn his temple.

I stifle another sigh as I look at the perfection that is his body. His muscles are huge, especially compared to my twiggy body. Even working out with him for the last couple of months, I've hardly gotten any new muscles. There's no way I'll ever be even close to his physique. I don't even know why I bother trying. I clear the dishes and begin putting them in the dishwasher.

"Are we going down to the playroom tonight?" I ask, hopeful. A kickass scene would be a great way to start Spring Break, especially since I'll be away from Casey, therefore getting no sex, for an entire week.

"No baby, we're going to have a quiet night. You need your rest for the long trip, I'll give you a nice massage in bed."

"Full body?"

"Every, beautiful, sexy inch."

"Okay, I can live with that."

"I thought you could."

Standing up, Casey gives me a smirk before walking over to where I'm putting the last dish away. The light smack on my ass startles me ,but he follows it by rubbing the area and then kneading each cheek with his large hand and strong fingers.

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