Chapter 23 Contracts, Correspondence & Converstation

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Chapter 23 Contracts, Correspondence and Conversation


I let Master Kael lead me out to the VIP area, keeping my eyes down at the floor in front of me. It doesn't keep me from seeing several looks out of my peripheral vision and I blush at the attention. Most are smiles, though I notice glares from a few subs I've seen staring at Master Kael several times.

I'm not used to, nor do I really like being the center of attention so I'm happy when we reach the area where Master Kael usually sits; the same area where Master Matthias and Lane sit as well as Master Rowan and whoever his sub of the night is, Master Cole and Dylan, Master Mike and Lane's cousin Denny and sometimes Mistress Annabelle and Edmund. Others occasionally join them too, like Master Gideon and Master Casey but tonight everyone seems to be off somewhere or in one of the other rooms, so for now we have the immediate area to ourselves. I wonder quickly where Ashton and Master Gideon have gone to, or if Master Casey has arrived to meet Tommy yet, but the thoughts flit out of my mind as quickly as they come.

Master Kael sits down and as soon as he's seated I sink to my knees next to his legs placing my hands behind my back and my gaze down.

"Come closer, so I can reach you Payton, you're too far away."

I blush at the scolding, I was only a few inches away, but being someone's sub is all new. I guess I'm just unsure of everything I do, but I expect that will pass as I get used to Master Kael and how he likes things. It still feel weirds to me and scooting forward in between his knees seems so intimate, but I follow his hand gesture and soon I'm tucked in between his shins.

"Good boy, I like to be able to run my fingers through my sub's hair as I sit and relax and you'll find it calms your nerves too. Are you okay?"

I quickly nod.

"Look up at me, let me see your eyes."

I look up and give him a small smile.

"First things first, when I ask you a question I expect a reply. A nod isn't enough, you need to use your words."

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous and not sure what to do."

"Don't worry about that, trust your training. I know Matthias trained you well and I'll acquaint you with my own personal preferences. For now just relax your posture, you look so tense. Drop your hands to your sides and lean your head here," he said patting his thigh, "Penny should bring the contract over shortly and then we can go over it, but for now calm your nerves a bit. You're doing well and there's nothing to be worried about."

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry."

I suck in a deep relaxing breath and find my eyes closing as I lean against his well-developed vastus medialis. Tommy would be proud that I'm practicing for our upcoming kinesiology quiz. I can feel the muscle against my cheek and want to start purring as he begins petting my head. This having a Dom stuff is pretty damn nice and I feel really lucky that Master Kael is taking me on for four weeks. I send off a little random prayer of thanks to whatever god or higher power exists, since I'm not really sure who I believe when it comes to religion, maybe I'll just make my own.

I hear murmuring voices and when I open my eyes Penny is walking away while Master Kael lifts his hand off my head and begins reading through some papers. The contract.

After a few minutes he looks down at me.

"This is a special training contract Payton. Your hard and soft limits have been incorporated, it's for a 4 week time period and in that time I'll be training you as my submissive. We'll discuss what sort of time commitment works for both of us, but in all ways you will be mine. When we are together I expect you to yield to my control 100%; give yourself to me fully in mind, body and spirit, trust me as your Dominant and be completely honest with me. I, in turn; along with your training, will care for you, see to your needs, physically and emotionally, push your limits, let you explore a side of yourself that you may not even know exists. There's no give without take, so I will expect you to see to my needs as well, respect me as your Dom and service me however I ask without hesitation. Of course, all my requests will be keeping in mind your current limits. I do understand, as a new submissive there may be limits you are not even aware of, so much of your training will be actively exploring those, so clear communication and honesty is obligatory. Does this meet your expectations and are you comfortable with this."

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