Chapter 2 New Friends

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(pictured above is Chris)

Chapter 2   New Friends

Payton and Tommy met up with Ashton at the bookstore the next day. The two PT majors were in many of the same classes, therefore picking up many of the same textbooks and after dropping the new purchases back at the dorms, the three decided to go grab lunch together at a hole in the wall restaurant 20 minutes away from campus. Tommy and Payton wanted to see some of the city so Ashton promised a brief tour of at least part of it afterwards.

Ashton was quiet, but he wasn't adverse to spending time with people he liked. He just didn't feel the need to spend every hour with them or keep a constant conversation going. Payton was the same way and Tommy, although the more garrulous of the three, had gotten used to Payton's quiet nature and had no problem with Ashton's similar aloof disposition. Ashton was friendly and, when he did have something to say, it tended to be well thought out and because he was a man of few words, his friends knew to listen when he did take the time to say something.

The three headed out to Tommy's fully restored 1980 white Cadillac convertible. A classic car and part of his inheritance when his parent's died. It was his father's pride and joy and as soon as Tommy had his license he'd taken it out of storage and had been driving it and maintaining it to his father's standards.

Tommy had lost his parents at the age of 13, moving in with his only relative, his mother's sister, Aunt Camille. At that time Camille was single and a busy business woman running a real estate firm that employed a 14 agents. Too busy for a husband and too busy to do more than make sure there was food in the fridge for Tommy. Not that she didn't care, she just wasn't equipped to understand the needs of a young teenage boy and figured if she put a roof over his head, kept him fed and well dressed, she was doing her job.

In many ways it was actually Tommy taking care of Camille because she was always running from meeting to meeting. He made sure she stopped for food once in a while, made sure the laundry was done and that she was taking care of herself. Having been brought up by two very nurturing parents, he was in turn the same way with his Aunt and with his close friends.

Payton could remember many a time staying over at Tommy's house and his friend doting on him, making him special dishes, getting movies for them to watch, but most importantly, keeping his spirits up when he was feeling stressed out by his family. Tommy's home was Payton's escape. It was calm and quiet since it was usually just Tommy there, and the only expectation was for Payton to be himself and have a good time. It was a 'nag' free zone, Tommy used to say, so Payton spent a lot of time in his best friend's home.


"This place is the epitome of Chicago cuisine," Ashton told us, "you've got your Hot Italian beef sandwich which is the most famous Chicago classic, the Chicago style hot dog, Chicago burger...oh and deep dish pizza is big here."

We looked at the menu of the restaurant Ashton had suggested, 'Lou M's'. Apparently everything was really good Ashton said, but I decided to have a Chicago style hot dog to see what the difference was. "I'm gonna try the hot dog," I said to no one in particular. Payton snickered. "What?"

"Nothing," he muttered.

"No Pay, what's so funny?"

"Nothing...I'm just not surprised you're having a hot dog knowing your penchant know...'hot dogs'." I narrowed my eyes at my so called best friend as he air quoted hot dogs.

"You're such a child," I grumbled. He really was. He was like a 19 year old 5th grader. But, I loved him and he always made me laugh, so I couldn't complain too much. "What are you having?"

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