Chapter 45 The Aftermath

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Chapter 45 


"His vitals are good," someone says as a loud beeping noise causes a dull throb to begin in my head. "His blood alcohol level has come down gradually also, which is a very good sign."

"So why isn't he awake yet?" A very familiar voice asks. Lane.

"He's resting and his body is still weak. I'm sure he'll wake up soon," a woman's voice replies as I struggle to open my eyes.

"We just need to be patient," a voice grumbles. Master Matthias.

What are they doing here? Where is here? What's the damn beeping and why can't I move? My eyelids are so heavy, as if they're being held together. No matter how much I try, I cannot open my eyes. My head begins to spin, the beeping intensifies. The dull throb in my head turns into a hammer pain. Their voices fade in and out before everything goes silent and I let the comfortable blanket of the abyss drag me back under.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have fucking died," a low voice sighs before a warm hand closes over my own.

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I try to open my eyes and they actually cooperate, but the light is blinding so I groan while slamming them shut again. The hand tightens on mine as I groan again. God, my skull is fucking killing me. I turn my head and slowly open my eyes, confused at where the hell I am. The white walls glare back at me and I look over to see an IV stand along with a heart monitor. I frown, looking down at my arm to see myself hooked up to the IV and heart monitor. What the hell? I lick my lips and that's when I notice the mask on my face. I reach up, my arm heavy, to take it off. A hand grabs mine before I can and I look over. I'm thankful that the oxygen mask is still on because I feel as if the air gets sucked out of my lungs when I see who is sitting right next to me.

"You need to keep that on," he whispers as I stare at him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while pulling my hand out of his grip.

He smiles. "I work here."

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not a kid so your work isn't here. You can leave," I tell him and his smile disappears.

"I got word that you were in here. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He sighs while reaching for my hand, but I pull it away.

"I'm fine, you can leave," I reply before turning my head to stare at the wall as the stupid heart monitor spikes up.

"Ashton, please," he whispers sadly, but the door opens and a woman in a long white doctor's coat walks in.

"Doctor Callaway, what are you doing here?" she asks surprised before we lock eyes. "Oh you're awake, that's great. You've got all your friends worried out there."

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