Chapter 44 - 411 on the 911?

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Chapter 44   -  411 on the 911


Running into the emergency room waiting area I look around frantically until I see Payton hunched over in a chair with his head in his hands.


He looks up when I get to him, his face is tearstained and his eyes are red and puffy.

"Where is he?"

Payton's mouth opens, but nothing comes up so he lifts a shaky hand and points down a hallway marked "Emergency Room Personnel Only".

"Where's Lane?"

Payton swallows a few times and clears his throat. "He's in there with him. He told them he was his brother. H...he told me to call Master Matthias so I called him right before I called you. He should be here any minute."

I crouched down in front of Payton, putting my hands on his knees to steady myself, or maybe him. "What happened Pay?" I ask quietly.

He takes a crumpled up brown paper towel from his pocket, one of those thin scratchy ones from public bathrooms and wipes the fresh tears that have trickled down his cheeks before attempting to blow his nose in the saturated scrap. The skin on his nose looks painfully red, poor guy.

"Here Payton. It's clean." I look behind me and Casey, who was parking the car, has walked up and is pulling a cotton handkerchief out of his jeans pocket. He's one of the few guys I know who carries a handkerchief and I think it's so sexy, but I shake sexy thoughts of Casey out of my head and look back at Payton who's taken the handkerchief and blows his poor nose again.

"We...w...we were at a party. Me and Lane went with keep an eye on him. We were just drinking soda, but Ash was drinking beer...and I think he had a few shots, but I'm not sure how many." Payton stops every few seconds to dab at his nose or catch a shaky breath. "I was giving him water all night, he had some, but...and, um...I asked him to maybe slow down on the booze, but you know how stubborn he is. H...he wouldn't listen and I didn't want to make him mad at me." Payton stops and looks down and I can practically see all the negative thoughts and self-recriminations going through his head.

"Hey Pay, it's not your fault. We all know how stubborn Ashton is. If he doesn't want to do something, he doesn't. Keep going."

"Well, Lane went to check on him because he looked a little out of it and he said he didn't feel good, so Lane said we were leaving. When we got outside Ashton threw up so Lane told me to go get the car down the street. When I got back Ashton looked...awful, so Lane put him in the backseat and got in with him and I started driving. Ashton was saying, it was scary he was so out of it and then Lane told me to head to the hospital, and I knew it wasn't good but I had to keep my eyes on the road. Then Lane's yelling at him to 'stay with me'....cause he passed out and he called 911 and told them where we were so they said to keep driving, that we'd get there faster than an ambulance and a few minutes later a cop car came along side and he led us here...and they had a gurney waiting when we pulled up and they brought him straight in. Lane made them let him go in with him, and I haven't seen him since and...I don't know what's happening because the nurse won't tell me anything." As Payton talks, his voice gets louder so I try to comfort him while Casey walks over to the desk to find someone in charge.

"It's going to be okay Pay. They probably had to pump his stomach or something, he probably had too much to drink, I'm sure he's going to be fine."

Just then the doors burst open and Matthias storms in. When he sees us he makes a beeline over and I feel Payton gasp. Even though we know we don't have to be afraid of Matthias, just his sheer size and presence is a bit unnerving.

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