Chapter 3 Where the Wild Things Are

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(Pictured above is Tai)

Chapter 3   Where the Wild Things Are


"That's three weeks down Pay, I think we've got this college thing under control," Tommy says as we walk towards our dorm after our Friday classes were over. It's only 1:30 in the afternoon since we both only have 2 classes on Fridays; one from 10 to 11:45 and the other from 12:00 to 1:15.

"Hey, there's Ashton," I point to our friend coming from the other side of campus. We stop and wait for him to catch up. I'd finally gotten over my crush on him, well mostly, and we'd become really good friends. I really respected his easy going demeanor; he was smart, but he didn't need to make sure everyone knew that, and he was one of the few people I could sit with for a long period of time without feeling the need to make conversation. Plus he was really cool, rocking the whole country boy & motorcycle bad boy thing all at once.

Ashton had introduced us to his friends Chris and Tai two weeks ago at Chris' party. We'd met up with them a few times last week and this week to grab dinner when we got sick of campus food. Chris also had us over to his place again on Wednesday night for pizza, beer and a movie. We all got along really well and had kind of formed our own group. Occasionally even Lane joined us, but he was often busy working at his cousin's boyfriend's club, studying or going to house parties held by people he knew from last year. Lane seemed to hook up a lot, like a real lot, but with us he was just a fun guy who liked to hang out. We were friend-zoned, but that was perfectly fine because it seemed like Lane didn't always treat his hook-ups that well. He categorized people into two groups; friends and hook-ups and didn't like to mix the two.

"Hey Ash," we both say in tandem as he catches up.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?"

"Not too much, thinking about grabbing some lunch," Tommy answers, "do you want to walk over to the burrito place on Tenth Street?"

"Sure." Ashton nods and we head back the way we'd been coming since that's the way to the Mexican place we'd discovered. "So, I was thinking you guys might like to come out with us tonight."

"You, Chris and Tai?" I ask, my interest piqued.


"Where are you going?" Tommy asks.

"Same club we went to last weekend, but I needed to talk to the guy in charge first, so I didn't invite you guys, it's kind of a private club. He said I could bring you as guests though."

"Is this the one with the mature, trustworthy and responsible man who I should let take my virginity?" I ask with a smirk. Since Ashton's comment that time, I'd gotten okay with him knowing about my 'status'. He was totally cool with it, so I didn't feel embarrassed talking about it in front of him anymore. Ashton cracks a smile; the stone face breaks! I cheered internally. Hell, he had a great smile, sexy even, he should flash it more often.


"Is it a gay club?" Tommy asks.

"Not really, I mean, there are a lot of gays there, but also heterosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, it really doesn't discriminate at all. But there's a lot of sex, so if you're gonna freak out if you see a few naked bodies, you won't want to come."

"Really?" Now he has me really intrigued. "What kind of club is this?"

"It's a kink know, bdsm."

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