Chapter 29 Dream a little Dream

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(Pictured above is Master Kael)

Chapter 29  Dream a Little Dream


"I don't care about your explanations Remy, one of my subs was hurt, maybe not physically, but I'm also responsible for their emotional well-being, it's just as important. You were my guest, at the club and in my home..."

"No, I'm not upset that Christophe hired you, I know you'll be a great asset for the business, this has nothing to do with that, this is my club and when a Dom fucks up, whether they're my cousin or not, there are repercussions. If you want to become a member when you get back to Chicago, you're going to have to abide my punishment first."

"Hang on a sec. Whoever is outside my door get your ass in here now!"

I freeze at Master Matthias' booming voice. I really didn't mean to be eavesdropping. I adjust the armload of files I came to return, but what I heard as I approached his open door a few seconds ago stopped me in my tracks. I look back down the hall to the door of the office where I'd been entering in all of last week's payables and receivables and wonder if I should just sneak back down.

"Don't make me come out there!"

I immediately run in, almost spilling the files all over the floor. Master Matthias has his hand over the mouthpiece of his phone and lets out a deep sigh when he sees me. "I, um, have the files for you, I'm all finished with them and Penny said you needed them back as soon as possible." I keep my voice quiet, almost a whisper, not wanting to be heard through the phone.

"Sit down," he says, nodding to a chair in front of his desk, "you might as well hear the rest anyway."

I sit down, adjusting the files in my lap, and stare down at my feet. I'll probably get in trouble for eavesdropping. It's okay. I deserve it. I should have just walked back to the other office the minute I heard him on the telephone. It's just...I heard his name and...

"I'm back," he says, putting the phone up to his ear. "Thirty days, Rem, starting when you return to Chicago. When you get back, come pay your membership fee and then the clock starts, you'll have to wait 30 days, and after that we'll have a good long talk before I'll let you loose in my club. This isn't France, you're going to have to learn to play by my rules."

"Whether or not you realize that, I'm going to drum it into your head, so let me know when you get back in town and we'll start the paperwork, if you're still interested."

"No, no family discount."

"I don't care if you're kidding, you need to realize you don't get any special favors. You'll be put on the waitlist for a private playroom if you want one, just like anyone else joining, and you'll have to wait as long as it takes for one to come available."

"Yes, he got your letter, he has a contract with Kael now, so don't try to contact him again." I could feel Master Matthias' eyes on me now, but keep my own on my shoes, as if the grey suede Vans I'm wearing are the most interesting thing I've seen all day.

"Fine, just do as I say and we'll talk again when you're back in town and no, I won't pass on any messages."

"Good bye Remy," Master Matthias says firmly and then hangs up the phone.

One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three...I start to count in my head, waiting for him to say something. I get to 24-one-thousand before I can't take it anymore and look up at Master Matthias. Nerves of steel, the man has. He's staring at me, his eyes completely unreadable, as usual.

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