Chapter 19 New Year's Absolutions

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(Pictured above, from top left clockwise: Master Lucien, Master Garrison, Master Saber and Master Baird)

Chapter 19 New Year's Absolutions


I sigh as I close my locker and walk out of the locker room. After almost getting banned from attending the New Year's Eve party by Master Matthias, it feels good to be at the club. Thank God Lane talked to Master Matthias and I was allowed to come tonight. Lane sure has Master Matthias wrapped around his finger. Whatever, time for me to get laid. I know exactly who I want too, well I know the men I want. There are four of them and holy shit are they all fucking amazing in bed...or on a table, or up against the wall, or standing up in the middle of the room. Point is, they're sex gods.

"Christopher," a deep voice calls out and I freeze in place.

"Master Matthias, how can I help you, Sir?" I ask politely, while keeping my eyes down knowing he's still very well pissed at me and I'm not trying to push him.

"You didn't think I'd let you off the hook without a punishment, did you?" He asks, crossing his thick arms over his chest.

"Um, well kind of," I admit sheepishly and he scoffs.

"Well you thought wrong," Lane says and I glance up to see him smirking as he stands next to Master Matthias. I have the urge to roll my eyes at him, but stop myself just in time. I think I've pushed things far enough for now, so I just give him a blank look.

"I said you were allowed to attend the event tonight, I never said you were not to be punished. Follow me," Master Matthias demands before turning and stalking down the hall.

Lane winks at me before rushing to his Dominant's side as I follow them silently. Crap, this isn't how I planned the night starting out. A punishment, I can handle that. This will delay my plans to get with Master Lucien, Master Garrison and Master Saber along with his brother Master Baird, the Freaky Foursome as they're known around the club. I follow them down to the dungeon and scan the main area that has a few submissives on stage presenting themselves in hopes to have a Dominant choose them to play with for the night. Master Matthias knows where he's going and my heart races when I notice he's going to a certain playroom.

"Lucien," He calls and all chatter stops.

"Matthias, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?" Master Lucien asks politely as Master Matthias blocks my view with his large build.

"Take care of him, he's to be punished and I really don't want to waste my time on someone like him tonight," he replies and grabs my arm before pushing me forward so I go stumbling straight into Master Lucien's arms.

"Christopher, why am I not surprised." Master Lucien sighs as he drops his hands from my shoulders so I'm left standing in between him and Master Matthias with Lane to his side.

"What did the brat do this time?" Master Garrison asks while standing just behind Master Lucien and gives me a look full of sadistic promise and I drop my eyes down as my cock starts to swell.

"He encouraged underage drinking at a party he was throwing and let it get out of control without care of what happened to others, many of who happen to be submissives here at my club," Master Matthias states and I mentally wince as Master Saber and Master Baird appear while giving me disappointed looks.

Jesus fucking Christ, what is it? National point out everything Chris did wrong day? Assholes. I do roll my eyes this time and zone out as they talk while glancing around the room I've been in many times before. It's then I notice the two twinks kneeling naked. Their lips are swollen, hair ruffled and bodies marked with red lines. My eyes narrow, they were getting played with. Damn it, the four are taken for the night. Who am I going to have play with me then?

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