Chapter 7 Through the Looking Glass

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(Payton pictured above)

Chapter 7 Through the Looking Glass


"I'm fine Tommy, I promise," Payton says as we walk through campus back to the dorms.

"You've been quiet all week and you haven't made one goofy joke," I tease gently. "Ever since we had the training with Master Giovanni and Jacobi. Are you having any second thoughts about the club? If you are, it's no big deal."

"No, I'm not having second thoughts, if anything the opposite after seeing them together."

"Yeah, they're pretty much what it's all about don't you think?"


"Payton, do you think this is something you'd want to do long-term, like years and years, or just something to try for a shorter amount of time, like 1 or 2 years?" I ask since I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's definitely something I want to try and experience, with the right Dom maybe for a few years, but when I look like 10 or 20 years down the road, I'm not sure.

"I really don't know Tommy. I guess it depends on how it feels and who I'm with, if I'm getting something out of it or not. People change and maybe at some point it doesn't work for you anymore. I'm just trying to live in the present, sometimes I get really stressed if I look to far in the future, it gives me angst."

"I hear ya Pay, let's get through college first, everything will fall into place Aunt Camille always says. Did Ashton tell you what happened with him and that Dom?"

"Not really, his name is Master Zion, but I think all he did was watch a scene with him, he didn't really seem to want to talk about it."

"Why does that not surprise me," I chuckle.

"Maybe there was just nothing to tell?" Payton replies and I watch him closely as we head inside the building and up two flights to where our room is. He definitely seems a bit off, distracted or something, I hope it doesn't have to do with Master Matthias. I decide to let him be, maybe he just has a lot on his mind with everything going on. I'll give him a few days and if he still seems off I'll try talking to him again.

"Pay, I'm going over to the gym. I have an appointment with Casey at 4:30 and I need to do my cardio first. Do you want to come?"

"I can't today. I have to cover part of a shift for someone at the library who had to go out of town at the last minute."

"We have a training session with Master Matthias tonight at 7:00, how long is your shift?"

"I told them I had to leave by 6, it's working the front desk so they got another person to cover the last part of the shift, they have a class until 5:45 so should get there in time."

"Okay, we need to leave by 6:15 at the latest to get there in enough time to find a parking spot and get inside."

"I know, how 'bout you just pick me up at the library at 6, we can go straight from there."

"Okay, I'll be waiting out front right at 6."

"Great. Thanks. I'd better head over there. I'll see you later T."

"See ya Pay."

I picked out something to wear to the gym, my goal was to look good without looking like I was trying to look good. When you had a personal trainer that looked like Casey Savage you had to make some effort. I grabbed a scrunchie and put my hair up so I wouldn't get too hot doing the running program on the treadmill that Casey suggested I do to warm up before my strength training.

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