Chapter 8 Those That Play Together...

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(A/N Chapter 8 spans over several weeks and there were a lot of 'events' to cover as next Saturday's chapter jumps to December, as we were writing it, we realized it was getting very long so we decided to split it into two, 8 and 8.5. Together the title is Those That Play Together...Don't Often Stay Together. For those of you reading or who have read Loving His Submission, some of the events of this chapter and the previous one as you can tell coincide with events in LHS.  Chapter 8.5 will be posted tomorrow night, like a bonus chapter!  Also, Happy Birthday to the best co-writer anyone could ever have!  Love you PrinceKenzie )

Pictured above is Ashton

Chapter 8 Those That Play Together...

After several days of wondering about their friend Lane, the boys were relieved when he finally showed up back at school. It hadn't been too long, maybe a week and a half at the most, but with no real explanation, the boys were worried. They knew about the paddling, but didn't think that was enough to keep him away from classes. Lane wasn't serious about too much, but school; getting his degree and opening his own place, was something he was serious about.

Since Lane was a sophomore, they didn't share any of the same classes, but Payton and Tommy had spoken with some of the people they had met through Lane who were and were able to photocopy notes from the classes he missed and sent them through Denny. It wasn't much, but it was the only way they could think of to help.

When he did return, they didn't speak to him about the paddling because as far as they knew, he didn't even know they were members of the club. He was more quiet than usual and often looking away as if he were preoccupied. They weren't sure how to bring it up and since he still wasn't himself, they found it easier to keep deferring the conversation. They figured, if he wanted to talk about the paddling, he would and when the time was right, they would tell him they were members of The Red Door.


"Payton," Tommy says, leaning over while we wait for the professor to begin class. I look up and raise an eyebrow. "See that guy with the dark hair and CSU soccer jersey in the back corner over there." I turn to look. "Wait...don't look right now because he's looking at you."

I turn back to Tommy, "look, don't look, make up your mind T!"

"Okay, here." Tommy reaches over and pushes my notebook off the desk.

"Hey, what was that for?" I blurt out because with these stupid desks I have to get completely out of it and walk around to pick up my notebook, while everyone else is already seated.

"Okay, when you stand up to go get it, casually glance back. There's a group of four of them sitting together, they look like they're all jocks. He's the one with the blue jersey and number 37 on it, dark hair, good looking."

"Whatever Tommy," I grumble. Last I thought he was still crushing on the big long haired guy at the gym, now he wants me to check out some new guy he likes? I stand up and go to the other side of my desk and glance over where Tommy described. I see four jocks, three of them are talking and laughing with each other and the fourth, a good looking, dark-haired guy with a blue jersey with number 37 is staring at me, watching intently as I pick up my notebook. Once I have it I stand up and stare openly at him, probably with a confused look on my face, and wonder if maybe I forgot to brush my hair or something. I look down to make sure I wasn't wearing that white shirt that had all the grease on it that wouldn't wash out from when I was helping Ashton change the oil in both his car and Tommy's. Tommy's not really good with car repairs, so Ashton and I do the easy stuff for him.

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