Chapter 20 Tantalizing Taste Explosions

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(Master Casey's sexiness above)

Chapter 20   Tantalizing Taste Explosions


"So I don't know if I'll be home tonight Payton, do you need my car? I can ask Casey to come pick me up."

"No, I'm hanging out with Brody, he's coming to get me later."

"You're going to that party?" I don't even attempt to hide the frown.

"Yeah, I thought I'd check it out." Payton purposely doesn't lift his face from the book he's reading. I look at my watch. I'm supposed to meet Casey in 15 minutes so I don't really have the time it takes to wrestle things out of Payton when he doesn't want to talk about something. I let out a sigh. Lately he's been about as forthcoming as Tai's bearded dragon, Niles. Odd choice for a pet, but Tai loves him. He sits silently in his aquarium for hours without even moving. Throw a butter worm or a blueberry in there though and that little guy is like the Flash.

"Seriously? You hate parties."

"I don't hate parties. I went to Chris' party...though...maybe that's a bad example. Besides, Brody said if I don't like it we can go somewhere else," he replies shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe even the Backdoor. His best friend is in town out of the blue too, and he wants me to meet him. He's Brazilian. I've always wanted to meet a guy from Brazil. Have you seen some of those Brazilian models?!"

"Did Brody live in Brazil?"

"No, Guillermo, that's the guy's name, was born in Brazil, moved to London when he was 3 and then his family moved to Boulder when he was 13. Strange huh? Anyway, they were best buds since then. Like us!" he adds, flashing me a smile. "I talked to him on the phone before when Brody called about the party, he's got a sexy accent. Guillermo said I had to go because Brody wouldn't stop talking about me and he had to meet this 'Payton'. I can't believe Brody was talking about me!"

"I didn't think you were into Brody."

"I never said that. I don't know him that well, but he's nice. Hot too! Anyway, it's just a party, I'm not going to marry him," he laughs, "we're just going as friends. You're the one always telling me to get out and meet people."

"I'm just surprised. I thought after what happened the other night..."

"Exactly! Which is why I want to meet some normal college guys."

" don't want to be in the lifestyle anymore?"

"I didn't say that Tommy. I want to try lots of things. It's college! Time to experiment. Life is a smorgasbord and I want a taste of everything...I can already think of a few Doms I'm drooling for."

"Oh really? Who?"

"I'm not saying, I don't want to jinx anything."

"Tell me Pay! Master Kael? Master Rowan? Um...Master Clark? Master Jason, Master Caster...Not those 4 from the dungeon?"

"My lips are sealed," Payton teases, "or maybe all of the above." He looks back down at his book with a shit eating grin and I let out an annoyed huff.

"You're not being fair Payton Johns," I scold. "I'm going to be late if I don't leave now. Just be careful tonight. Call or text if you need me."

"Sorry bae. I'm just teasing you. Go have fun with Casey."

"That I will!" I call out as I run out of the room and out of the building. Luckily the parking spot I found last night was close by so I don't have to walk too far. Before I start the car I quickly text Casey and tell him I'm going to be a little late. He's making me dinner at his place and then...I'm not positive but I think we're going to do a scene. I'm nervous and excited. Not worried though. I trust Casey 100 percent. He would never hurt me or make me feel uncomfortable.

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