Chapter 43 Men of Steel

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Chapter 43   Men of Steel


"More please

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"More please." It comes out sounding like a plea, or begging, which makes me frown. I may be a submissive, but I don't beg.

"That's enough for now Pup."

I let out a huff of frustration, not just at the nickname. He doesn't know when enough is enough, I do. It was just starting to sting enough to clear my head. Last week's surprise visit from my Father had all sorts of negative feelings fucking around my heads and I was here with my semi-new Master to forget them. The whip made me do that. He doesn't know what I have to contend with. Nobody really knows. Tai might have hints and Ashton knows a bit, but no one really knows the whole story.

"I respectfully disagree Master. I know what I can take, I know what I like and I definitely need more. If you can't give it to me, I know someone down in the dungeon probably can."


I smile. I know what gets to my Master.

I hear a bang that sounds like the whip being thrown against a wall.

"I won't let you goad me Chris," he growls as he begins to undo the cuffs linking me to the overhead chains. Once my arms are hanging slack he takes off the blindfold. I flash him the grin I know he has a weakness for and he rolls his eyes letting out a huff of annoyance. I chuckle. Hell, I know how annoying I can be. It's part of my charm.

"I can only take so much of a power bottom," he says, which he knows will annoy me

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"I can only take so much of a power bottom," he says, which he knows will annoy me. I may prefer being a bottom, but I don't like being classified as a bottom. I don't like being labeled at all. I go with what I need at the moment. Whether it be men, the occasional woman, top or bottom. I refuse to be labeled.

"You knew what you were dealing with when you signed me on," I retort and a fast swipe to my bare ass has me laugh out loud.

"You push every button."

"Maybe I'm your kryptonite?"

"I have no kryptonite," he says as he pushes me so I'm walking backward toward the bed. "And if I did, you're not it. I can promise you that."

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