Chapter 24 Don't Let Go

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(Master Clark pictured above, song is 'Use Somebody' by Kings of Leon)

Chapter 24  Don't Let Go


"I'll take a rum and coke," I tell Scotty who looks at me with a raised brow.

"Don't you get into enough trouble when you're sober?" He asks and I laugh sarcastically.

"Don't you know to keep your nose out of people's business? No? Well learn, give me a rum and coke," I repeat making him sigh.

"Fine it's your ass on the line, literally, not mine." He shrugs while quickly making my drink.

"Thanks for your concerns," I reply with a fake smile and take my drink before leaving.

I make my way to the dance floor, joining Tommy and Tai. Looking towards the table, it's not a surprise to see Ashton and Payton just sitting there. They never dance, well Payton sometimes gets pulled along. I haven't seen Ashton dance since that day...a long time ago. He stopped doing a lot of things after that. Shaking my head, I turn back to the person in front of me and continue dancing while sipping my drink. Whoever the hell this is, they know how to shake their ass. I grind my crotch into their swaying ass making them throw their head back onto my shoulder with a gasp. A smirk tugs at my lips as I close my eyes and lose myself to the erotic beat blasting through the speakers.

After what feels like hours, I'm sweaty and in need of another drink. I shoulder my way through the packed dance floor and head back towards the bar. Having already had a few shots and mixed drinks, I decide to get a water if I want any chance of getting laid tonight. It's one of the biggest rules in the club, all parties engaging in sexual activities must be sober and clearly consenting. The fact that everything is starting to spin is a sign that it's time to switch to water. After grabbing a cold bottle of H2O and a glass full of ice, I make my way back to our table.

"Where did they go?" I ask no one in particular when I return to the table that's missing Ashton and Payton.

"Payton is talking to Daddy in his office. He told me earlier he was going to call for Payton tonight and that was almost thirty minutes ago," Lane shrugs, appearing from nowhere, while plopping down and waving a passing waiter over. "Hey cutie, let me get a tequila on the rocks please."

"Sure thing, I'll be right back with that," she nods and walks away.

"No, I don't want anything. Thanks for asking!" I grumble making Lane laugh as I sit down.

"You have a drink in your hand Chris what are you talking about?" He snickers and I look down at the water before shrugging. "You're awfully moody lately, what's wrong?" He asks with an amused smile but I can see worry in his eyes causing me to huff.

"I'm fine," I shrug and he raises a brow but doesn't comment.

"Excuse me Lane, Master Matthias just called for you, he's waiting in his office." The girl getting his drink says while putting it down.

"Oh yeah? He must be done with Payton and needing some relief. See you later...probably not if I have a say in things." Lane winks before taking his drink and leaving the showroom.

I sit back and huff. Now what the hell am I supposed to do? Where the fuck is Ashton? He better not have left early! Knowing him, he probably did. I let my eyes scan the showroom and they widen in shock as I see Payton get led into the room by Master Kael. Fuck, he's so sexy. I follow them with my gaze until they both disappear into the main VIP area where Master Matthias and his group are usually sitting. Fuck! Go Pay! He loses his virginity now he's with a sexy ass Dom. I bite my lip as I shift in my seat carefully reminding myself that my ass is still healing from the punishment Master Lucien gave me.

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