Chapter 15 All Eyes On Us

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Chapter 15 All Eyes On Us


"So Ash," Chris says as he hands me a case of beer to put in one of the huge coolers we just filled with ice, "did Master Gideon fuck you good last night?"

I don't even have to look up to know he's smirking at me. A sigh escapes me at his question. I should have known he'd ask questions and probe. He'll be disappointed when I tell him nothing really happened, which is true. We made out, that was it. After he pinned me to the wall and kissed me like I've never been kissed before, he got my number down and we just hung out before he brought me back to my dorm. As if it never happened. I know it did even though... for a few minutes after I seriously thought I imagined it. But with a quick touch to my lips, feeling them swollen and tingling I knew it was true.

"We didn't fuck," I reply while putting the last bottle in the cooler.

"Dude, why the fuck not! What do you need, an engraved invitation? Should I hire an airplane to fly a banner, 'ASHTON - MASTER GIDEON WANTS YOU - GO THE FUCK FOR IT!'. What are you waiting for?"

"Because I didn't want to," I huff while looking over at him as he throws his hands in the air with a frustrated sigh.

"Why the hell not? He's sexy as fuck, a Dom, a rich doctor and he wants YOU! Why wouldn't you want to fuck him?! You need to get over the past and move on!" He asserts while grabbing my shoulders and giving me a few shakes.

I push his arms off me and step back with a glare, "Don't."

" know what I meant," he whispers with a guilty expression. "Just..."

"Please Chris, I have moved on," I grumble and he raises a brow. "Moving on doesn't entail fucking everyone that shows interest. I'm over that and I don't need you bringing it up as a way to get information out of me."

"Wait, Ashton I'm sorry!" he calls out as I walk away while sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Hey, you okay?" Tai asks while walking towards the kitchen, his arms full of bags.

"I need some air," I mumble and slip passed him before leaving the apartment. Tommy's walking down the sidewalk toward me with his arms full of bags.

"Hey Ash, Payton's back at my car keeping an eye on it while Tai and I run stuff up. Do you want to go see if maybe you and he can handle the rest and then then lock up the car? There's not too much more, it was just too much for one person."

"Sure," I nod, but take my time walking down the street. I can see Tommy's big white beast of a car about a block away, the closest spot available since this is a pretty trendy block just on the edge of Boystown. At least I know Payton won't pepper me with questions or pry. When I get closer I see him sitting on the steps to an old brownstone in front of the car and he looks deep in thought. I walk up and sit down next to him and take in the view he's staring at.

We sit quietly for a good 5 or 10 minutes and I let my mind go blank. I need to cool off and I don't really want to deal with what Chris had been saying.

"Ash? Can I ask you a question?"

"Mhm," I say with a nod even though he's still looking across the street.

"Do you think it's okay, to um..." Payton begins before struggling to find the right words. I wait patiently to find out what's been on his mind. "Is it wrong of me to want to maybe, go further, maybe even all the way with someone I'm probably never going to see again? Is that slutty?"

"I wouldn't say slutty. It depends I guess, on the person and the reason," I reply with a raised brow because I'm 99.99 percent sure I know where this is going.

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