Chapter 8.5 ...Don't Often Stay Together

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Pictured above is Dr. Gideon Callaway, (aka Master Gideon)

Chapter 8.5 ...Don't Often Stay Together


"Hey guys," Eddie, one of the club subs, says walking over to our table. He smiles at Ashton who gives him his usual blank look. The look he's giving my friend annoys me for some reason and I can feel the frown on my face and the furrow of my brows. I glance over at Ashton who looks back at me and I try to ask him what's up with my eyes, but he just raises his eyebrows while pressing his lips together and looks over at the dance floor.

"Hi Eddie, what's up?" Tai asks when it looks like no one is going to speak. "Do you want to sit down with us?" Chris had gone off with a Dom somewhere and Tommy was watching some scenes with Master Adam after our talk at the coffee shop.

"Um, sure I guess," the blonde twink replies as he takes the empty seat next to Tai, who is across from me while I'm in my usual seat next to Ash. Tai starts making conversation with the kid while I lean back and look around the room. I see Master Kael at the bar and he turns around and gives me a wink. I flush red and give him an awkward smile back. I've only seen him a few times at the club since the first time I met him during one of my early training sessions, well, it was actually a punishment session that day. Master Kael is really attractive with this slightly scary air about him, but it really turns me on at the same time.

I zone out for a bit while Tai and Eddie are talking and Ashton is watching the dance floor. At the far end of the room I see Lane walking with Master Matthias towards the hallway where his private playroom is. I only know it's there because Tai told me, I've never been in it. I sigh and look away. The truth is, I am envious of Lane. Not so much that he has Master Matthias, because I am truly over that little crush, but because in a flash he's not only a submissive, but a collared one in a serious relationship that from what he says, extends beyond the Dom/sub dynamic, like they're boyfriends too. I would love to be in that position with a Dom like Master Matthias. Note the use of like, because I want someone with similar qualities; strong, confident, able, powerful, commanding...someone that makes me feel safe, protected, cherished and mostly valued, so like him, but not him. I let my eyes wander around the room and wonder if that person is here.

"Payton, do you want to come dance with us?" Tai asks, bringing me out of my internal pondering and wanderings. He and Eddie stand up and Eddie looks over at Ashton hopefully. Good luck with that dude.

"Um, no thanks Tai. I'm feeling a bit tired right now, I'm just going to sit for a bit," I reply and luckily he doesn't push me.

While Tai and Eddie go to dance with some of the other guys Eddie hangs out with I wander up to the bar to get a ginger ale after asking Ashton if he wants anything, but he says he's fine. I place my order with Jacobi and lean against the thick wooden counter while he walks back to get it. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and I see four men enter from the direction of the door to the dungeon. I recognize the largest as Master Lucien Black. He's in his late 30's and the three others with him look to be in their late 20's; they are Master Garrison and Master Baird and Master Saber who are twins. Chris and Tai had pointed them out to me when they took me for a brief tour of the dungeon after I asked them who the Freaky Foursome was. They didn't know what I was talking about at first, but when I told them about what Master Rowan said that time, they were pretty sure these were the guys he was talking about. They filled me in on everything they knew about the foursome.

They share a playroom in the dungeon and like to do group play with one or two subs at a time. Yeah, like 4 on 1 or 4 on 2. You get the picture.

Apparently, Master Garrison and the two brothers used to be Master Lucien's subs when they were 18 or 19. First Master Garrison was and after being his submissive for a few years he trained to be a Dominant with Master Lucien while Master Baird and Master Saber took his place as Master Lucien's submissives, both at the same time. Again, after a few years they went on to train as Dominants and the four have been together ever since playing with willing subs. They mostly stay in the dungeon with the other sadists and masochists, but occasionally come upstairs. Tai said they like to check out the fresh meat and see who they could lure downstairs.

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