Chapter 48 Food for the Soul

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(The gif above is the fabulous Maston Zion)

Chapter 48   Food for the Soul

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"Come on guys, we need a study break and Tai is performing his dance final this afternoon for students and faculty at CCA, let's go as a show of support."

I look around the table piled high with books. Payton has loose leaf paper scattered all over the area in front of him writing down notes and making study guides. He says he remembers better if he writes things down. Ashton is leaning back, his body sideways to the table so he can rest his head on his arm which is perched on a pile of books while his right ankle rests over his left knee, a book perched on his leg and a pen tucked above his ear. The picture of calm, or maybe boredom. He's been studying a lot with the help of Master Zion lately, which I think has been really great for him. I've even caught him smiling a few times.

"Is this the one he choreographed himself?" Payton asks.

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"Yes, so we have to go. He's going to be famous, someday and we can all say we knew him when," I urge.

"Knew him, I'm going to be living off him," Ashton chuckles and I raise my eyebrows. "I'll probably still be in vet school racking up the student loans so I need at least one of my friends to be rich so I can mooch off them."

"I hear you on that," Payton adds. "We'll both mooch off him, Tommy will be Mrs. Casey Savage so he'll be set, but we'll still be poor college students."

"I'm not going to be a Mrs!" I object.

"See, he doesn't deny the rest," Payton gloats so I whack him with a rolled up notebook.

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