Chapter 22 Spontaneous Submission

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Chapter 22   Spontaneous Submission


"Have you seen Master Ken again?" Tommy asks as we lean against the bar and take in the main room which is starting to fill up as more members arrive. Denny's friend Dylan waves as he walks by on his way to meet his Master. We both smile back before turning around to take the drinks that Jacobi just poured for us.

"No, I guess he travels a lot though." I let out a sigh and then pick up my Sprite taking a long sip letting the sweet taste of the carbonated liquid flow into my mouth, bubbles popping their way over my tongue.

"I saw Master Nathan here earlier. Are you still interested in him?"

"I don't know," I mumble absently. "Those guys have been watching us for the last 20 minutes," I laugh. Tommy follows my line of sight across the bar to where Master Zane, Master Leo and Master Dirk are sitting. Master Leo is staring intently at us as he says something to the others who look up as well.

"I don't know them," Tommy replies before turning around to face me, showing disinterest. Well he's got Master Casey, so three average Doms wouldn't be all that interesting. In the mood I'm in average doesn't really matter. I've felt off all week. A combination of pressure to finish my choreography and my mother coming into the city to do some post-holiday shopping. Which means she's been staying with me at my apartment. Don't get me wrong. I love my mother, she and my father have done a lot for me and have given me so much from the minute they adopted me. But my mother's relentless perfectionism, which extends to me, is exhausting.

She's trying, I know she is. Ever since we had a big blow up last summer while I was home she's been trying not to push me so hard. But I can still see it below the surface. A kind of underlying feeling that if I stop for just one second to take a breath, I won't be meeting her high standards. I'll be letting her down.

When I watched her car drive off early this afternoon, so she could beat the commuter traffic back to Wheaton, I let out a deep breath of relief. My home town is only about an hour and a half away, but my parents are very involved with their community and their causes so they don't make it to Chicago too often, which is just fine. I need my space and my freedom. God forbid they ever found out I was a member of The Red Door. My mother would have an instant coronary and my father would be so flustered he wouldn't even be able to look at me.

All I know is that I need to be with someone tonight and if one of these Doms are all that's available, I'll take it. I need my mind and body to be taken far away from the place I find it in tonight. I could go find Master Nathan, but he knows me well enough to read my mood and would just probe and make me open up and regurgitate feelings I just want to obliterate with the sting of a leather strap or the bite of a flogger followed by a good fuck. I don't voice these thoughts though. Tommy would just worry and by tomorrow I'll be fine.

"I'm going to go talk to them," I say when Master Leo raises his glass in a greeting.

"Are you sure Tai?" Tommy looks like he wants to say more. I can see the internal battle behind his eyes, but he holds back. I nod my thanks and give him a smile I hope reassures him. Tommy and I fight our inner demons in different ways and he realizes that.

I pick up my drink and walk over to the other side of the bar where they're still seated, three pairs of intense eyes watching my every step.

"Hello Sirs," I say and smile briefly before looking down.

"What's your name boy?" Master Leo asks even though we'd met when I was with Master Nathan.

"Tai, Sir." Master Leo introduces himself as well as the two others and the three of us make small talk. That kind of meaningless chatter that gets you from 'hello' to 'would you like to scene with me'?

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