Chapter 33 Frickle Frackle

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Chapter 33  Frickle Frackle


"You don't have to make me breakfast, I had a bagel already," I put out there, partly for something to say.

We barely spoke in the car on the way to Casey's house and now he's shuffling back and forth from his refrigerator to his butcher block prep area while I sit on one of the stools at the island separating the kitchen from the sunroom.

The car ride wasn't uncomfortable or tense, which actually surprised me. Probably because Casey held my hand the whole time, except when he was shifting of course. He kept giving me those reassuring squeezes to tell me that it was going to be okay. Maybe he wanted to get me home first. Maybe he was afraid I'd bolt. I don't know, part of me wanted to. I kind of dread this conversation. I also feel like I'm 12 years old waiting for a lecture. A well-deserved one, I'll be the first to admit I acted impetuously and immaturely, there's no good excuse. I let out a quiet sigh.

"I'm making a frittata, veggies and protein will make you feel better. It won't be ready for a while so maybe you'll be hungry again."

"Listen, Case..."

"Not yet Tommy. I just need a few minutes."

"I'm sorry." My head drops and I stare at my hands in my lap. I know I've disappointed him.

"I know, I am too," he replies. "I'm also angry, mostly at myself, but also angry that you didn't talk to me about what you were obviously feeling. But...I don't want our conversation to come from a place of anger. Which is why I'm keeping myself busy until I get my emotions in check."

"Okay...sorry. Um, can I help?"

"No...well, you can set the table and pour some juice if you want something to do."


I get up and grab forks and knives from the drawer and then bright yellow plates from the cabinet in the dining room. They're cheery and maybe would make this feel like the relaxing brunch that it should be.

"Um...can I talk about other stuff?"

Casey let out low chuckle, probably because he knows it's hard for me to be silent for this long.

"Yeah, baby."

I couldn't help but smile, relieved that he called me baby, making me realize things would probably be okay.

"So I think we've finally decided where to go for Spring break. Florida! It was Payton's idea...or, maybe it was Ashton's. I forget. But we're going to stay with Ashton's Aunt and we're going to go to the beach and Busch Gardens and maybe Disney too, though Disney will be packed at Spring break. I mean, so will Busch, but..."

I ramble on for at least half an hour telling Casey about our plans. I'd asked him if he wanted to go with us when we first started making plans a few weeks ago, but he said he couldn't get away from work right now and that I should do the college thing with my friends. As long as we don't go too crazy and stay safe.

"Next weekend we're going shopping for summer stuff. Tai's going to take us to that big mall...."

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