Chapter 6 It's All About the Foliage

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(Tommy pictured above)

Chapter 6   It's All About the Foliage

The boys had been kneeling quietly facing the east wall of the training room for 20 minutes as Matthias checked emails on his phone, looked through invoices and reports from the past week that he'd brought with him in a file to sort, and then he picked up the notebook Payton had been writing his notes in. Throughout his training of the two boys, Matthias had directed Payton to write down each of the basic rules he had been teaching and any other notes he thought the boy might need which he could go through on his own time and study. Having spoken with the him, Matthias knew that he had trouble with listening and auditory learning. It was apparent that his mind wandered when he was just lectured to, something he would have to work on and a behavior a Dom would enjoy modifying, but it was important for to Matthias that he have a good base of training before he let him loose with the Doms in his club.

The other boy, Tommy was picking things up quickly. He was a polite, listened carefully and did exactly as he was told. His training would be straightforward and as Matthias was sure he'd be ready as fast as Ashton or Tai. Payton might just need a little more time, more for his comfort level than anything else and Matthias planned to have him work with other submissives and other Doms during the process so the boy didn't get too attached to him, which he could easily see happening. It was something that happened often with the submissives he trained, Matthias being their first exposure to a Dominant. From his talks already, Matthias had a pretty good idea that the boy had a generous sense of loyalty and desire to please. He needed a strong role model and solid guidance and it seemed like that was lacking in his upbringing. He would make an ideal submissive for the right Dominant, he just had to make sure he didn't end up with one who would take advantage of those attributes.

He'd seen the starry eyed look the boy gave him, it was flattering, but he was here to teach the boy, not to play with him. Matthias made it a point to make it a clear line between trainer and prospective Dom. He never did anything sexual with a submissive he was training. After they completed their training and had some experience with other Doms, he might take one to his playroom, but he was careful with who he chose, no one who would get too attached and only subs who had plenty of experience and fully understood that when a scene was over, it was over. Of course, he always performed thorough after care, but there was no long term relationship involved.

When Matthias wanted to perform a scene for a show, he had a handful of 'go to' subs that he had worked with many times, who knew it was for demonstration or fun; he made sure to make it as pleasurable as possible for them and they always felt honored when asked.

Matthias wasn't afraid of commitment, just up until recently he hadn't met anyone who'd interested him that way and when he finally met someone who sparked that fire, the guy didn't want to have anything to do with him. He didn't even know his name. But Matthias didn't give up easily. He would have him, he was certain of that.

"Okay boys, you've been very still, good job, stand up and stretch, get the blood running again in your legs. You're done for today, get dressed. Tommy, you can wait for Payton in the lounge, Payton once you're dressed meet me in my office and we'll discuss what type of work you can do for your membership fee." Matthias left the room, returning to his private office. The large pile he had left on his desk was still there and he sighed in frustration. He wiggled his mouse so his screen came to life and the new software system he had recently installed to manage his books was still up, taunting him. "Intuitive my ass, this program is more cryptic than the DaVinci code," he muttered.

Tommy and Payton stood up, stretching out their stiff legs. For the training they were clad only in their boxers, the first tenet Master Matthias wanting to impart was to be comfortable with your body. Also, restrictive clothing made it difficult to practice the positions that Dylan, one of the experienced submissives in the club, had come in to teach them while Master Matthias oversaw and made any corrections with the snap of his crop.

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