Chapter 46 True Confessions

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Chapter 46    True Confessions

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"Lane, are you sure we shouldn't go check on Ashton?" I ask as we wait in line for lunch at one of the food trucks on North campus. "He loves empanadas," I say looking up at 5411 Empanadas, our choice for today. "What if he's still sick or upset?"

"He's okay Tommy. Matthias texted me, he slept in late. Daddy made him some food before he dropped him off at the Science building, so he could make up some labs."

"I can't believe he let you guys take him home last night...or this morning rather, I can't believe any of us are functioning on what little sleep we got.  Thank god for caffeine!  Though, I thought he'd either end up going with Master Gideon or at least coming back to his dorm room when he was finally released," Payton says.

"Master Gideon tried, but he'd barely even speak to him," Lane replies, "he talked to Sean, his friend from home for a while, but after the doctor cleared him to leave he sent Sean home. Matthias didn't really give him a choice. Even if Ash is leaving the lifestyle, no one really says no to Matthias."

"That's true," I chuckle, "so he's leaving it then?"

"I don't know, but he hasn't been back to the Red Door, even after he was tested and cleared."

"Did he say anything on the way to your house?" Payton asks.

"Not much, just kept telling us he was fine so we dropped it. Daddy told me to go to classes this morning, that he wanted a private talk with him, so...voila!" he says, putting his hands up to gesture at himself.

"I wonder what they talked about," Payton says.

"I doubt Matthias will tell me much," Lane sighs, "he's so fucking honorable and respecting his confidentiality, blah, blah, blah."

"That's a good thing Lane," I tell him, "that's why people trust Master Matthias."

"I know, but it sucks when I want to get the details on shit."

When we finally get to the head of the line, we place our orders and each get an order number which they'll call out when it's ready. We grab a nearby table that a bunch of girls just left.

"So only a few more weeks of the semester, it's been so crazy lately I don't even know what you guys are doing for the summer?" Lane asks.

I glance over at Payton who's just taken a big bite of an empanada. 

"Casey asked me to stay with him and I said yes. I'm going to step up my hours at the Boys and Girls' club and also pick up a few shifts at Casey's gym." I look at Payton again to see his reaction. I know he said he's fine with it, but last summer I went with him to Muskegon to stay at his grandfather's. He worked at the marina while I worked at a coffee shop in town. It was a great summer and I love Henry and Ellen, but I couldn't be that far away from Casey now that we're together. I know 3 hours isn't much, but to wake up every morning with my man is better than a dream come true. Payton said he's happy for me and I'm sure he is, but I still feel guilty. We've been together for so long, it will feel weird not seeing him every day.

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